1Password / terraform-provider-onepassword

Use the 1Password Terraform Provider to reference, create, or update items in your 1Password Vaults.
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Support for Secure Note #149

Closed MikeySoftNL closed 1 month ago

MikeySoftNL commented 4 months ago


Currently the onepassword provider can only manage items of types (login, password, database), where onepassword supports about 21 types.

This feature request is specifically for the Secure Note type, but it would be great if all type could be supported in the (near) future

We use the Secure Note all the time, but unfortunately this type cannot be created or updated using the 1Password/onepassword provider.

Currently we are leveraging the anasinnyk/onepassword provider for this, but this requires to use the onepassword cli 1.4.0 which is very old.

Use cases

Larger secure texts JSON objects credential files SSH Keys etc.

sdahlbac commented 4 months ago

The fact that we are missing Secure Note AND Document is a blocker for us