1Password / terraform-provider-onepassword

Use the 1Password Terraform Provider to reference, create, or update items in your 1Password Vaults.
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onepassword_item with login category, cannot remove the password box in 1password unless the password parameter is commented out #157

Closed scott-doyland-burrows closed 1 month ago

scott-doyland-burrows commented 4 months ago

terraform 1.7.4 provider 1.4.2 1password CLI 2.25.0

resource "onepassword_item" "item" {
  username = var.myvar != null ? "test : ""
  password = var.myvar != null ? "test : "there is no password"

I want to REMOVE the password box from 1password and not have it say "there is no password".

But the only way to remove is is to comment out the password line, which obviously won't work in my use case.

Setting there is no password to null or "" doesn't remove the password box, in fact it doesnt even update what is currently set for the password.