1Shubham7 / Wife-Predictor-v2

This is a fun project that predicts your wife. The web app has been deployed on Netlify.
MIT License
29 stars 29 forks source link

Issue: Comprehensive Redesign for Enhanced Aesthetics and Appeal #31

Open BhattAnsh opened 1 month ago

BhattAnsh commented 1 month ago

### Issue Description The current design of the project lacks visual appeal and does not effectively communicate its purpose. To address this, a comprehensive redesign is proposed, aiming to enhance aesthetics, improve user engagement, and align the design with the project's objectives.

### Proposed Changes Complete Redesign: Overhaul the project's design from scratch, considering factors such as color scheme, typography, layout, and visual elements. Enhanced Visuals: Introduce visually appealing elements such as illustrations, icons, and imagery to complement the content and engage users. Improved Color Combination: Choose a harmonious color palette that reflects the project's theme and conveys the desired mood or message effectively.

User-Centric Design: Prioritize user experience by optimizing usability, navigation, and accessibility throughout the redesign process. Dark Mode Support: Implement a dark mode feature to provide users with a more comfortable viewing experience, especially in low-light environments.

### Expected Outcome A redesigned project that captivates users with its aesthetics, effectively communicates its purpose, and encourages interaction and exploration. Improved user satisfaction and engagement due to the user-centric design approach and enhanced visual appeal. Seamless integration of dark mode support for enhanced accessibility and user preference.

GSSOC 24 Assignment Request The proposed redesign project is intended to be submitted for GSSOC 24. I am enthusiastic about taking on this challenge and committing to delivering a high-quality redesign within the specified timeframe.

1Shubham7 commented 1 month ago

I like the idea odf dark mode. We have to be specific in any issue, you can say I wan to change entire UI. one component at a time.

BhattAnsh commented 1 month ago

Can I work on the frontend and make changes in the website by changing the colour pallet which makes it more attractive and change the design I've done frontend projects earlier. Assign me under gssoc 24