1Shubham7 / Wife-Predictor-v2

This is a fun project that predicts your wife. The web app has been deployed on Netlify.
MIT License
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Create an Sticky Navbar #34

Open shahil-afroz opened 1 month ago

shahil-afroz commented 1 month ago

I can create an sticky navbar also proposing an update to the navbar design ....Can you assign this to me under GSSOC24

git-akhi3 commented 1 month ago

Please assign me this issue

1Shubham7 commented 1 month ago

its already assigned. Please wait for @shahil-afroz, if he doesn't complete it I will assign it to you.

IP80808080 commented 1 month ago

👋 Hello! I'd be happy to help with this issue. Could you please assign it to me? Additionally, could you please label it for the appropriate level? Thank you! 🚀

Damini2004 commented 1 month ago

Assign this issue to me will work on this issue efficiently and make navbar sticky

SalehaTabassum commented 1 month ago

Hi @1Shubham7 please assign this issue to me The nav bar disappears as we scroll down.so if we make the nav bar sticky it would be convenient for the users to switch easily over sections.i would like to make the nav bar sticky,so please assign it to me