1Shubham7 / Wife-Predictor-v2

This is a fun project that predicts your wife. The web app has been deployed on Netlify.
MIT License
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Enhanced UI and Implementing Real-Time Chat to elevate User Experience #39

Closed Leorasaharia closed 1 month ago

Leorasaharia commented 1 month ago

For the UI enhancements, I'll focus on improving responsiveness, visual appeal, and clarity of the landing page and navbar. Firstly, refining the navbar's responsiveness entails ensuring it adapts smoothly across different screen sizes with a hovering effect on navbar items. Revamping the landing page involves transitioning to a light pink to lavender theme, injecting elegance. Subtle hovering effects on buttons enhance user engagement, while cupid and cute vectors add charm. These elements create a cohesive and captivating aesthetic, delivering a clearer understanding of the website's purpose.

For the user chat interface, I'll use Sanity.io for content management and ChatEngine.io for real-time chat. Integrating Chakra UI ensures a streamlined setup of UI components. Real-time chat fosters dynamic conversations, promoting community engagement. Users can exchange messages seamlessly, enhancing collaboration and interaction. Leveraging these technologies, I'll create a user chat area that enriches the user experience and promotes active engagement, elevating the website's value proposition.

Leorasaharia commented 1 month ago

@1Shubham7 kindly consider my views on this! would be looking forward to contribute and enhance your project!

1Shubham7 commented 1 month ago

Please make specific issue (like adding a chat bot) so that it is easier for me to judge. Saying "enhanced UI" tells nothing about what you are working at. I like the idea of a chat bot. Please create another issue specific to this and sharing your approach on how you will careating it and what tools you will use.

Leorasaharia commented 1 month ago

Okay sir

On Fri, 10 May 2024, 18:20 Shubham Singh, @.***> wrote:

Closed #39 https://github.com/1Shubham7/Wife-Predictor-v2/issues/39 as completed.

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Leorasaharia commented 1 month ago

Already updated and created a new issue where I only discussed about the chat area implementation.

On Fri, 10 May 2024, 18:20 Shubham Singh, @.***> wrote:

Closed #39 https://github.com/1Shubham7/Wife-Predictor-v2/issues/39 as completed.

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