1Shubham7 / Wife-Predictor-v2

This is a fun project that predicts your wife. The web app has been deployed on Netlify.
MIT License
29 stars 29 forks source link

Adding an interactive chatbot area/chat app for other users to communicate #43

Open Leorasaharia opened 1 month ago

Leorasaharia commented 1 month ago

For my user chat interface, I'll be utilizing Sanity.io for content management and ChatEngine.io for real-time chat. Integrating Chakra UI will ensure a streamlined setup of UI components of the chat Area.

I'll create a user chat area that enriches the user experience and promotes active engagement, elevating the website's value proposition. Real-time chat fosters dynamic conversations, promoting community engagement.

I've already developed a chatApp using ChatEngine.io. You can find the repository here: ChatApp Repository. In this app, users can log in via their registered emails, which are fetched from the backend using a REST API. Users can communicate, share pictures, and more.

In your website, I'm aiming to implement this feature where registered users can chat with others and make friends. We can have registered females too, making it a chat area for people of opposite genders to engage in conversation and connect.

ayush-kumarrai commented 1 month ago

Sir, I am ready to add a chatbot to your website. Could you please assign this task to me??

KavyaBS123 commented 1 month ago

Hey @1Shubham7 I am GSSOC Contributor can you please assign this issue to me I would love to work on this!