1Shubham7 / Wife-Predictor-v2

This is a fun project that predicts your wife. The web app has been deployed on Netlify.
MIT License
29 stars 29 forks source link

Page Does Not Fit To Screen In Mobile Devices #60

Closed sarthakmishra459 closed 1 month ago

sarthakmishra459 commented 1 month ago

Contribution Request For GSSOC'24


When accessing the landing page on mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets, the content does not adjust to fit the screen properly. This results in a poor user experience as users may need to scroll horizontally or zoom out to view the entire page. I would like to fix this issue.

Potential Fix:

To address this issue and improve the mobile responsiveness of the page CSS of the page needs to be modified to fit to screen and ensure responsiveness of the site.

