1Shubham7 / Wife-Predictor-v2

This is a fun project that predicts your wife. The web app has been deployed on Netlify.
MIT License
29 stars 29 forks source link

Improving the UI for the share on twitter #70

Open Unalia09 opened 1 month ago

Unalia09 commented 1 month ago

Hello i noticed the share on twitter thing is somewhat very small and i felt sort of uncomfortable to click on it, I would like to ask if i can work on this and make a little clearer UI, i am a beginner and not that good at coding so i would like to just help for the design :'D

Screenshot 2024-05-11 162444

also i recommend adding your follow me in the footer section, i saw that there were people already doing the UI like color palette which i highly recommend, the colors right now make it look like a ppt slideshow XD.

If possible could you assign this to me under GSSoC24 :).

Unalia09 commented 1 month ago

Please assign me this task under GSSoC24