1Shubham7 / Wife-Predictor-v2

This is a fun project that predicts your wife. The web app has been deployed on Netlify.
MIT License
29 stars 29 forks source link

Add Topics #92

Open Princegupta101 opened 1 month ago

Princegupta101 commented 1 month ago

In GSSoC'24, GitHub Topics will help the discoverability of your project.

I see that you already have great topics on your repository! I would recommend adding the name of the company like the software you use to build like "vs-code, ghdesktop" to improve your discoverability.

If you are happy with the topics you have, feel free to close this issue. 👍

1Shubham7 commented 1 month ago

GitHub Topics sounds interesting, but I haven't used it. Please ellaborate on the process of doing it, or you can raise a PR for that.