1Tuts / technoprints-w2-project

@mojiAm ,@Cyrus-krc ,@etp1711 CIW Design (Old W2) Final Project
3 stars 2 forks source link

mail #22

Closed mojiAm closed 12 years ago

mojiAm commented 12 years ago

dar morede in code mishe be man tozih bedin baraye man kar nemikone vaghti ersal mikonam ye page baz mishe va joft peygham haye echo neshun mide bayad chi kar konam?

<?php if ( isset($_POST['fullName']) && isset($_POST['mail']) && isset($_POST['subject']) && isset($_POST['msg']) ){ $name = $_POST['fullName']; $mail = $_POST['mail']; $subject = $_POST['subject']; $msg = $_POST['msg']; if( @mail('aghasizadeh70@gmail.com',$subject,'Name: '.$name. "\n" .$msg,"From:info@aghasizadeh.com\nReply-To:".$mail) ){ echo '

Your massage has been sent. Please be patient for the answer. thank you!

'; }else{ echo '

Your massage has not been sent. Please fill the form again. thank you!

'; } } ?>

etp1711 commented 12 years ago

dge kelas tamoom shode kasi javab nemide mojtaba joon bad bakht shodim raft

mojiAm commented 12 years ago

@etp1711 nababa man midunam ina ba marefat tar az in harfan hala bebin ;) :D

AliGH commented 12 years ago

@etp1711 class 2rose tamoom shode ama hanuz github va 1schools va team support-eresh hasan ;) @moji-am ro hostet uploadesh kon bad testesh kon

mojiAm commented 12 years ago

@aligh ye soal dge: emaili k from:---- dadin manzur chiye? @etp1711 nagoftam ;)

AliGH commented 12 years ago


mojiAm commented 12 years ago

ba tashakor ta hadi doros shod vali mikham bedunam tuye link zir nemishe jaye emaile avali va dovomi k dakhele from hastesho avaz kard? click me

mojiAm commented 12 years ago

merci doros shod eshtebah az man bud

etp1711 commented 12 years ago

@aligh agha bande koochikam

AliGH commented 12 years ago

@etp1711 aghaee :x