1activegeek / docker-airconnect

AirConnect container for turning Chromecast into Airplay targets
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Can I have an example of how to create a config file using the docker run command please? #50

Closed Abcmsaj closed 1 year ago

Abcmsaj commented 1 year ago

I don't know if I'm being stupid or not - I have created a docker-compose file actually as I wanted an AirConnect directory:

version: '3'

    image: 1activegeek/airconnect:latest
    container_name: airconnect
    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: 'host'

This works, runs the docker image - but I wanted a way to pull config files from my local directory and have them used inside the container (i.e. I want to increase the volume of everything, change names, etc) - I don't know which dir inside the container that the config files are meant to go. And how are they named so that AirCast and AirUpnp know the difference?

Can't work out how to do it for the life of me so any help would be really appreciated!! Thanks

1activegeek commented 1 year ago

You're going to have to mount a file/folder to the host you are running on, to be able to grab the file after creation. I'd suggest using a folder. Then you'll need to run the container using the variables option I make available to pass to the binaries (AIRCAST_VAR or AIRUPNP_VAR). Then you'll pass -i <config file> to that variable to tell the system where to output the config that it creates. You'll then have a file that will have the basis for a config, which you can tweak, customize, etc. Now you'll do the same thing over again, but instead of -i <config file> you'll use -x <config file>. This will now tell the system to use this config file that you've mounted to the container.

1activegeek commented 1 year ago

Reference my section for Running, about 2 paragraphs down to read about this variable. And reference the original devs documentation for Common Information and you'll see details on the -i mentioned, and all the parameters available for the Config file and what they do.

1activegeek commented 1 year ago

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