1ambda / zsh-snippets

Boost your terminal workflow using auto-completed snippets!
MIT License
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it throws a following error on manual installation firsttime #1

Open moonrumble opened 6 years ago

moonrumble commented 6 years ago

source ~/.zgen/1ambda/zsh-snippets-master/snippets.plugin.zsh /home/apatel/.zgen/1ambda/zsh-snippets-master/snippets.plugin.zsh:14: command not found: _clean_zsh_snippets

1ambda commented 6 years ago

Hi ❤️ It seems that zsh snippets was not initialized successfully when manually installed. Could you try zgen load?

moonrumble commented 6 years ago


I actually tried zgen load as well. I am getting the same error. Error is only happening at the time of initialization.

phdoerfler commented 3 years ago

@moonrumble @1ambda I, too, have run into this error and fixed it in my fork: https://github.com/phdoerfler/zsh-snippets That fork also includes the tab stops https://github.com/1ambda/zsh-snippets/issues/2 that @verboze implemented.