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unreal-engine-vscode-workflow/ #6

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Unreal Engine development workflow using just VSCode · Daniel Coelho's Blog

How to setup VSCode as a light C++ IDE for developing and debugging projects with the Unreal Engine


Silver812 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this great step by step explanation!! I learned a lot :)

I'll probably stick with Rider for a while longer because it's much more straightforward, but I'll closely look at your blog in case you end up making those "next-steps" (and maybe release a VSCode extension too?). I've used VSCode for many years, so I'm much more used to it than to Rider. Hopefully I'll be able to switch in the coming months, who knows!?

By the way, would it be possible to adjust this to work with the binary version of UE5 downloaded from the Epic Games Store?