Currently, JA2 vanilla config will error out due to data folder lacking the needed .xml files for lobot. Need to move .xml files related to lobot to Data folder in order for it to work, but first I need to go through them and check if there are any that need to be preserved in data-1.13 as well.
Mostly thinking about filters.xml, and whether item uiIndexes match between vanilla and 1.13 configs.
Currently, JA2 vanilla config will error out due to data folder lacking the needed .xml files for lobot. Need to move .xml files related to lobot to Data folder in order for it to work, but first I need to go through them and check if there are any that need to be preserved in data-1.13 as well.
Mostly thinking about filters.xml, and whether item uiIndexes match between vanilla and 1.13 configs.