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Attached launchers - available ammo no longer shown at attachment slot #298

Closed kitty624 closed 2 months ago

kitty624 commented 2 months ago

Attached launchers used to show ammo they can use at their attachment slot and allowed a click-to-attach for loading

That isn't working anymore

I went back in versions and the last version I found this working is r8922 (Jan. 2021) Next I could test was r8925 where it already doesn't work anymore

attached launchers - issue after r8922

Changes seen in logs between r8922 and r8925 are:

Revision: 8925

Date: Sonntag, 31. Januar 2021 15:37:38

Minor code improvement for r8924.

Modified : /trunk/GameSource/ja2_v1.13/Build/Tactical/Interface Items.cpp

Revision: 8924

Date: Sonntag, 31. Januar 2021 14:48:21

Use MAXITEMS + 1 max limit when checking transformations. UpdateAttachmentTooltips:

Modified : /trunk/GameSource/ja2_v1.13/Build/Tactical/Interface Items.cpp Modified : /trunk/GameSource/ja2_v1.13/Build/Tactical/Turn Based Input.cpp

Revision: 8923

Date: Sonntag, 31. Januar 2021 00:22:59

AI_ACTION_STOP_MEDIC: also check START_AID, START_AID_PRN animations to prevent AI endless clock when first aid has just started and AI decides to move somewhere.

Modified : /trunk/GameSource/ja2_v1.13/Build/Tactical/Soldier Control.cpp Modified : /trunk/GameSource/ja2_v1.13/Build/Tactical/Soldier Control.h Modified : /trunk/GameSource/ja2_v1.13/Build/TacticalAI/AIMain.cpp Modified : /trunk/GameSource/ja2_v1.13/Build/TacticalAI/DecideAction.cpp

From those, r8924 and r8925 seem to be more likely related

And there are some following up changes in history of Interface Items.cpp that raise some concerns as well (at least for me)

Trying to investigate those as well and open a seperate issue if they turn out troublesome.