1dv611-vt21-g5 / 1dv611-project

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Vidare utveckling: Se till att bara updates från Yggio hanteras #149

Closed akarlsten closed 3 years ago

akarlsten commented 3 years ago

Tidsuppskattning: ?? timmar

Just nu litar vi på alla anrop till updates-endpointen, så länge dem har ett giltigt ID. Detta är inte optimalt.

Skrev lite om det i koden:

    // 0. In production, only accept device updates from the Yggio API URL set in .env - No spoofers!

    //TODO: Implement - currently there seems to be no way to add a "secret" to Yggio subscriptions, since they only send iotnode, diff, event
    // Using req.hostname or similar is also a challenge if we are deployed behind many proxies, such as on Heroku
    // Perhaps a solution involving the route for this API call, it is currently /api/updates/:deviceId, but maybe if it was /updates/:deviceId/:secret
    // that would require some reworking of this controller however

Verkar svårlöst innan handover, men kanske något Sensative vill ta tag i?