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Easter Egg not triggering (spoiler) #22

Open nethe550 opened 4 years ago

nethe550 commented 4 years ago

The Easter Egg which is triggered by addEventListener("keydown", Konami.code(toggle3D)); in 3d-fun.js doesn't seem to trigger when the appropriate combination of keys is entered. (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A)

Tried to trigger the Easter Egg in Firefox Developer Edition (v76.0b3) and Google Chrome (v80.0.3987.163) but was unsuccessful.

My guess is that some file isn't being loaded / loaded properly, causing the easter egg trigger to not load.

Other notes:

1j01 commented 4 years ago

Make sure the desktop is focused. (Or Paint or Minesweeper, for different effects.)

If that doesn't work, is there any error in the console?

nethe550 commented 4 years ago

It seems to work in Minesweeper and Paint, but not the desktop. I wonder if the folder-view div is getting in the way of actually focusing the desktop div? Simply deleting it in the inspector doesn't seem to work.

In console, it has an error about BrowserFS failing to intialize:

uncaught exception: Error: EACCES: Permission denied.  (filesystem-setup.js:46:3)
    <anonymous> filesystem-setup.js:46
    configure browserfs.ts:90
    getFileSystem browserfs.ts:162
    store IndexedDB.ts:247
    onErrorHandler IndexedDB.ts:42
    (Async: EventHandlerNonNull)
    IndexedDBStore IndexedDB.ts:154
    IndexedDBFileSystem IndexedDB.ts:245
    Create IndexedDB.ts:219
    wrappedCb backends.ts:31
    checkOptions util.ts:252
    Create backends.ts:35
    finish browserfs.ts:141
    getFileSystem browserfs.ts:175
    getFileSystem browserfs.ts:155
    forEach self-hosted:225
    getFileSystem browserfs.ts:151
    configure browserfs.ts:85
    <anonymous> filesystem-setup.js:16