1j01 / jspaint

🎨 Classic MS Paint, REVIVED + ✨Extras
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[request] Windows XP UI theme! #228

Open daladim opened 3 years ago

daladim commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this fantastic piece of software.

In case you still have time to waste use to contribute to a better world, I wished I found a Windows XP theme in Extra > Themes, such as https://mdever.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/5/0/125060361/688272425.jpg

That's not terribly different from the current theme I guess, except for the toolbar buttons, and dialog buttons (and title bars)


shiypc commented 2 years ago

not likely to happen. jspaint is part of a faithful windows 98 js remake, and a windows xp theme wouldn't align with that nicely.

you can try to make one yourself, there's already a good windows xp css theme, you can try building off of that.

1j01 commented 2 years ago

Someone actually did this already in a fork of jspaint, although I believe it's gone from GitHub. Anyways, I have the GUI as a library os-gui, and I would like to add more OS theme support based on XP.css / 7.css eventually. That's the place to do it if anyone's interested in contributing (os-gui).