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Add an option to disable Pride Month branding #295

Open Zephiii opened 2 years ago

Zephiii commented 2 years ago

I have no issues with Pride Month, but I can't stand corporations (and even smaller projects like JavaScript Paint) trying to tie themselves into it while not actually contributing anything to the movement as a whole, and often it feels like they're trying to profit off of it.

JS Paint was presumably a light offender, but changing the NAME of the project during this time is beyond reasonable and gets obnoxious fast.

At the very least give me an option to disable it and revert it to "JS Paint".

1j01 commented 2 years ago

I'm certainly not trying to profit off of it. It's just for fun, and to make people feel welcome. I want people to feel that there are lots of people out there who accept them — even if it's through token gestures like this.

The tab title is a stupid pun, so I can definitely see it being obnoxious. Hey, at least I didn't go with "June Solidarity Pride And Intersectional Networking Time (J.S.P.A.I.N.T.)" But it does serve a purpose, theoretically it gives people something to search for if they're unfamiliar with Pride Month and wouldn't know why the icon has changed.

Zephiii commented 2 years ago

I'm certainly not trying to profit off of it. It's just for fun, and to make people feel welcome. I want people to feel that there are lots of people out there who accept them — even if it's through token gestures like this.

The tab title is a stupid pun, so I can definitely see it being obnoxious. Hey, at least I didn't go with "June Solidarity Pride And Intersectional Networking Time (J.S.P.A.I.N.T.)" But it does serve a purpose, theoretically it gives people something to search for if they're unfamiliar with Pride Month and wouldn't know why the icon has changed.

All I really asked for is to have an option to disable the pun and also give me an option to change it in 98.js.org as well.

dugajean commented 2 years ago

What a dumb thing to get frustrated over