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How do we find the problem? #1

Closed harryworld closed 9 years ago

harryworld commented 9 years ago

We shall use some of the following tools to help finding the problem

  1. Lean Startup
    • Business Model Canvas
    • Lean Canvas
    • Validation Board
  2. Design Thinking
    • Design Sprint
  3. Development
    • Agile


harryworld commented 9 years ago

Lean Startup

  1. Problem / Solution Fit -> Create Value
  2. Product / Market Fit -> More Customers
  3. Scale -> Monetize (Ads, selling hardwares, etc.)
harryworld commented 9 years ago

Design Sprint

  1. What is the Problem? 問題是什麼?
    • Throw out ideas 提出想法?
    • Pick the one most resonated 找一個最多人認同的
  2. Find out some solutions. 找出一些可行解決方法
    • Competitors 競品
    • Other Solutions 其他方法
  3. Design 設計方案
    • Converge 選擇
    • What should we do? 決定開始方向
  4. Prototype 原型
    • Keynote
    • POP
  5. Validate with Real Customers 與真實用戶驗證
    • Feedback 收集意見
harryworld commented 9 years ago

Most importantly from our own pain