1request / remember

Remember App in Swift
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Work on marketing strategy #80

Open harryworld opened 9 years ago

harryworld commented 9 years ago

Online (Personal Account)

Online (Company Account)


cliffud commented 9 years ago

@harryworld, To recap our conversation about getting beacons out into the wild and raising awareness. We need to identify locations where iBeacons are already available (Science Park + ?) and create an easily removable sticker (so we do not get fined for improperly posting bills) that shows some graphic (qr code + call to action) or some other call to action for potential users to understand the location they are standing in can be used as a location within the app to remember something.


"Do you remember what you were supposed to do here? Scan me (image of qr code) and never forget again."

"Why are you here? Scan me (image of qr code) and find out."

"So, whatcha doing here? Scan me (image of qr code) and find out."<<< humorous angle.

If we are going to go with the free product giveaway like a Polaroid Cube, then a picture of the cube and with a caption of "One user a month wins a free Polaroid Cube!" or something to that effect to encourage user adoption and feedback.

Additionally, strategically putting iBeacons at the entrance of popular places that would be used in sample use cases (like grocery stores) can help raise awareness.

I suggest we hide 5-6 iBeacons along the entrances on the escalators in Central with a chalk note about using the app since the escalators are huge funnel for users going around Central.

Putting one beacon near the entrance of each coworking space is a good idea. We need to create some stickers for each beacon so people can visually be aware that they are in a beacon area.

harryworld commented 9 years ago

Thinking about that, we can divide the locations into two types:

  1. Visual
  2. Hidden

For Visual version, we can probably make a stand, where the beacon is placed inside, easier to manage one stand than two objects (sticker and beacon)

For Hidden version, we can put like the Central escalators, but how do we make people aware there are some beacons? (e.g. Need a map?)