1rosehip / jplist

jPList jQuery Data Grid Controls is a flexible jQuery plugin for sorting, pagination and filtering of any HTML structure (DIVs, UL/LI, tables, etc).
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keep dropdown-menu open with bootstrap jplist filters ? #225

Closed gh2b closed 7 years ago

gh2b commented 7 years ago

Hi, I work with jPlist plugins and with Bootstrap. I made a dropdown with checkbox filters using data-control-type="boot-filter-drop-down". Fonctionnalities are ok when i click on my button but just with "hover" event… I try to find a solution to keep the dropdown-menu open after a click on the button, and be close when i click in an other button placed inside my dropdown-menu. I try different solution found on web but nothing… it's always the same issue : hover but not click. Is jPlist Bootsrap filter plugin force it ? Could you help me find an issue ?

see my dropdown code :


1rosehip commented 7 years ago

Hi, first of all your dropdown code is not visible in the question above - please use http://jsfiddle.net/, http://jsbin.com/ or https://codepen.io to recreate your scenario.

Also please check the following control: http://jplist.com/controls/checkbox-dropdown

Maybe it could be suitable in your case.