1st-rapid-response-force / catalyst

Advanced MILSIM management platform
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Deployment System #53

Open AJCStriker opened 8 years ago

AJCStriker commented 8 years ago

Deployments in the RRF

Deployments are a four week cycle of training, combat deployments and rest periods.

They are designed to allow people to play hardcore MILSIM in a way that is believable and authentic but also give them time to play other games and relax in their breaks.

It works as follows:

Deployment Notifications

The first step is that an element is notified of deployment. Elements are deployed as functional forces. This includes logistics and codependents ( Jury 1 cannot be deployed without Wingman 1 or 2 ).

A Deployment Order is the document filled out by a member of the officers corp. It contains a list of elements that will be deployed, the date of deployment, the AOR ( name of the map), the mission in the AOR and the OIC of the deployment ( Me in this instance but potentially variable in the future given multiple theatre's of operation ).

The Deployment Order also contains a Calendar with all operation times marked on it for the training week and the two weeks in theatre. Each operation on the calendar has attached elements in the following categories:

Members will be notified that they have received a deployment order by all available contact methods - not including cell phone.

They should be taken to a page where they can review the deployment order. It should show the dates that applies to their element on a calendar as well as information about the deployment.

Users are able to decline deployment orders - however declined deployments are tracked in their VPF and multiple declines will result in a conversation with the unit commander about whether they are well suited to the unit.

In most cases Users should be able to accept the deployment. Once accepted, they are taken to a second page which shows each operation or event within the deployment. They must then select accept or decline for each event in the deployment so that we know their availability.

Failure to respond to a deployment order before the day the training program commences counts as a decline and can incur negative disciplinary action.

The final step is that any user who's element is marked as On Call in any of the events should be prompted to setup the on call system if they have not already.

 Officer Panel

Officers should be able to view a list of all deployments as well as peoples responses to availability.

Necessary Additional Changes

Deployments should entirely replace the existing concept of Operations.

Ribbons and commendations will be awarded at the end of the deployment.