1technophile / OpenMQTTGateway

MQTT gateway for ESP8266 or ESP32 with bidirectional 433mhz/315mhz/868mhz, Infrared communications, BLE, Bluetooth, beacons detection, mi flora, mi jia, LYWSD02, LYWSD03MMC, Mi Scale, TPMS, BBQ thermometer compatibility & LoRa.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.52k stars 777 forks source link

other ethernet module/library support #22

Closed jfrogg closed 7 years ago

jfrogg commented 7 years ago

Wiki says

W5100 shield (tested) or other ethernet module

I have enc28j60 ethernet module and trying to adapt the sketch to use UIPEthernet library. Hope I'm doing things right... So, I'm only getting the following:

client mqtt not connected, trying to connect
Attempting MQTT connection...

Will it be possible to provide the sketch for such hardware, even untested? I will be more than happy to test and share results. Thanks!

jfrogg commented 7 years ago

It does work with enc28j60 and Mega 2560, I had to adjust the Ethernet library to work with Mega.

1technophile commented 7 years ago

hello could you please give me the adjustement you've made to work with the mega?

jfrogg commented 7 years ago

Actually, I was about to ask your advise as well. I fixed the ethernet part and even got a few messages from RF, but now I see nothing. My hardware should be ok as it was tested with RFLink before. I have only RF receiver connected, no IR at all. So, for ENC28J60 on Mega 2560 the following adjustments needs to be done:

  1. in {libraries}\UIPEthernet\utility\Enc28J60Network.h :


if defined(TARGET_LPC1768)

#define SPI_MOSI p51 ; p11
#define SPI_MISO p50 ; p12
#define SPI_SCK  p52 ; p13
#define SPI_CS   p53 ; p8
  1. ENC28J60 needs to be wired to above pins (50-53)

@1technophile could you please advise if any pin and/or timer needs to be changed for Mega?

1technophile commented 7 years ago

Pin D3 (#define RF_RECEIVER_PIN 1) should be ok on the mega, this board has an interrupt on this pin. What did you change between the receiption you've got and now?

jfrogg commented 7 years ago

That was very quick check in the morning before going to work... Now everything is back as it was initially but I've got only 1 message which probably caused by some noise:

home/sensors/ir 365390630

Note I have no IR receiver!

Earlier it was another message which is probably more relevant

home/433toMQTT 7701071

but again it was only single message

Question - do I need to follow the following note?

//IMPORTANT NOTE: On arduino UNO connect IR emitter pin to D9 , comment #define IR_USE_TIMER2 and uncomment #define IR_USE_TIMER1 on library IRremote/IRremoteInt.h so as to free pin D3 for RF RECEIVER PIN

BTW, the file name is wrong, it should be boarddefs.h

1technophile commented 7 years ago

Yes you need to follow this note, or change your receiver to pin 18 (#define RF_RECEIVER_PIN 5) or another free interrupt pin

jfrogg commented 7 years ago

No change with pin 18. Looks like a library issue. The examples provided with rc-switch library are not working either.

1technophile commented 7 years ago

Not tested yet with arduino but on nodemcu with this version I'm able to receive and send correctly RF signals