1technophile / OpenMQTTGateway

MQTT gateway for ESP8266 or ESP32 with bidirectional 433mhz/315mhz/868mhz, Infrared communications, BLE, Bluetooth, beacons detection, mi flora, mi jia, LYWSD02, LYWSD03MMC, Mi Scale, TPMS, BBQ thermometer compatibility & LoRa.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.5k stars 775 forks source link

DHT Enable #48

Closed HannesDi closed 7 years ago

HannesDi commented 7 years ago


i have tried to Compile with the option use of DHT but i run in some problems...

first Missing the DHT.h so i installed the "DHT_sensor_libray" from Adafruit then there was missing the Adafruit_Sensor.h so i installed "Adafruit_Unified_Sensor"

But now i am Ending in:

ZsensorDHT:38: error: redefinition of 'long unsigned int time1' unsigned long time1 = 0; ^ ZgatewayBT:36: error: 'long unsigned int time1' previously defined here unsigned long time1 = 0; ^ exit status 1 redefinition of 'long unsigned int time1'

Probally using the Adafruit Libs is wrong and i must Install other ones ?

Sorry i have started a short time ago with all the Arduino things... And dont have such a good knowlegde in debugging scripts

At all i think it would be a good Idea to Expand the instructions for Adding the DHT libs like it was described for the iremote and pubsubclient ;-)

Best Regards Hannes

HannesDi commented 7 years ago

Hmn its Possible i found a Solution for this.. but i dont know this is the right way to do this...

in "ZgatewayBT" i have replaced all type site /reference time1 -> timebt

in "ZsensorDHT" i have replaced all type site /reference time1 -> timedht

Compile Error is gone but is that the right way?

Also i have altered line 30 to this: DHT dht(6,DHT11); // NodeMCU Users could change this to "DHT dht(15,DHT22);" with pin D8 for Wiring

When both its OK i think to could set in the project code for all..

And sorry for my bad English...

Best Regards Hannes

HannesDi commented 7 years ago

Ok after all i found out this is the right way... I had doubts because issues with the whole system when the DHT22 was connected at boot time with pin d8

when i boot up the device and plug in then the dht22 on pin8 all works finde

then i found out... no its not my fault at all its a generic problem.... GPIO0, GPIO2, and GPIO15 are boot select pins and this causes the NodeMCU to halt on boot see also: http://www.forward.com.au/pfod/ESP8266/GPIOpins/index.html

so i have decided doing the following: in "ZsensorDHT"
DHT dht(4,DHT22); // NodeMCU Users should change this to "DHT dht(4,DHT22);" with pin D2 for Wiring

and in "User_config.h"

define RF_EMITTER_PIN 15 //put 15 = D8 on nodemcu, 4 = D4 on arduino

Recompiled and Uploaded...

Tadaaa Issues gone....

Best Regards Hannes

BertrumUK commented 7 years ago

Hello Hannes, Thank you for that update - makes sense now why I couldn't flash my NodeMCU when I had a DHT11 attached to D8. I will experiment with another port on the NodeMCU as a DHT input to save any hassle.

As this is resolved you may want to close it :thumbsup:

1technophile commented 7 years ago

I tested with a DHT22 connected to SD3 on nodemcu and it worked, by using this pin you are not forced to use D2 (already use by RF emitter), the code is updated and the time variable now differenciated. Thanks for pointing this

1technophile commented 7 years ago

@synologix could you close the issue if it is OK for you

HannesDi commented 7 years ago

Sorry nope works not for me... all components work normal expect the DHT22 it measures nothing no value comes up on mqtt message

so i have tested arround and changed to: DHT dht(3,DHT22); this works on the fly ....

possible my ESP8266 is a another model then yours? i use a "wemos.cc LoLin NodeMCU V3" and in the Arduino Editor i have choosen NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module) also Possible this works not because whats described here: https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/1446

i have not started dive deepe into this, because the really good weather today in germany ;-)

1technophile commented 7 years ago

ok I'm using a nodemcu geekcreet maybe it is the difference. As my goal is to have parameters working with most of the boards I have tested with another free pin (it begin to be difficult :-)), the pin D3

DHT dht(D3,DHT22); //on nodeMCU this is D3 GPIO0

And it is working. Could you test if it works with your config?

BertrumUK commented 7 years ago

I've got it working on D3 on a NodeMCU 😉

In the testing phase at the moment using a DHT11, will move over to a DHT22 once I finish my work shift.

Using this setup under Home Assistant

Thanks Florian 👍

1technophile commented 7 years ago

@synologix is this parameter working for your board: DHT dht(D3,DHT22); //on nodeMCU this is D3 GPIO0

HannesDi commented 7 years ago

Yes, working for me, sorry for long time response, i am working on a addon for OpenMQTTGateway ;-) Will hopefully finished soon

1technophile commented 7 years ago

@synologix great, i close the issue. Don't hesitate to submit a pull request I will be happy to review it!