1technophile / OpenMQTTGateway

MQTT gateway for ESP8266 or ESP32 with bidirectional 433mhz/315mhz/868mhz, Infrared communications, BLE, Bluetooth, beacons detection, mi flora, mi jia, LYWSD02, LYWSD03MMC, Mi Scale, TPMS, BBQ thermometer compatibility & LoRa.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.5k stars 775 forks source link

Fail on compile with #define ESPWifiManualSetup true, using ATOM #529

Closed byte4geek closed 4 years ago

byte4geek commented 4 years ago

I encounter an error when i try to compile release 0.9.3 using ATOM and WIFI info (siid, password) statical settings by uncomment the line 69 User_config.h #define ESPWifiManualSetup true

c:/users/admin/.platformio/packages/toolchain-xtensa/bin/../lib/gcc/xtensa-lx106-elf/4.8.2/../../../../xtensa-lx106-elf/bin/ld.exe: .pio\build\nodemcuv2-rf\src\main.ino.cpp.o:(.text._Z9MQTTtoS YSPcRN11ArduinoJson10JsonObjectE+0x24): undefined reference to setup_wifimanager(bool)' c:/users/admin/.platformio/packages/toolchain-xtensa/bin/../lib/gcc/xtensa-lx106-elf/4.8.2/../../../../xtensa-lx106-elf/bin/ld.exe: .pio\build\nodemcuv2-rf\src\main.ino.cpp.o: in functionMQT TtoSYS(char*, ArduinoJson::JsonObject&)': main.ino.cpp:(.text._Z9MQTTtoSYSPcRN11ArduinoJson10JsonObjectE+0xd2): undefined reference to `setup_wifimanager(bool)' collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status *** [.pio\build\nodemcuv2-rf\firmware.elf] Error 1 ========================= [FAILED] Took 30.53 seconds =========================

Environment Status Duration

rfbridge IGNORED esp32dev-all IGNORED esp32dev-rf IGNORED esp32dev-pilight IGNORED esp32dev-ir IGNORED esp32dev-ble IGNORED esp32-m5stick-ble IGNORED esp32-m5stack-ble IGNORED esp32-m5stick-c-ble IGNORED ttgo-lora32-v1 IGNORED nodemcuv2-all IGNORED nodemcuv2-ble IGNORED nodemcuv2-ir IGNORED nodemcuv2-rf FAILED 00:00:30.531 rf-wifi-gateway IGNORED nodemcuv2-rf2 IGNORED nodemcuv2-pilight IGNORED sonoff-basic IGNORED sonoff-basic-rfr3 IGNORED atmega-all IGNORED uno-rf IGNORED uno-fastled IGNORED ==================== 1 failed, 0 succeeded in 00:00:30.531 ====================

This my user config section:

/-------------DEFINE YOUR NETWORK PARAMETERS BELOW----------------/

define NetworkAdvancedSetup true //uncomment if you want to set advanced network parameters for arduino boards, not uncommented you can set the IP and mac only

ifdef NetworkAdvancedSetup // for arduino boards advanced config

if defined(ESP8266)||defined(ESP32)

const byte ip[] = { 192, 168, 1, 3 }; //ip adress of the gateway, already defined for arduino below


const byte gateway[] = { 192, 168, 1, 1 }; const byte Dns[] = { 129, 168, 1, 2 }; const byte subnet[] = { 255, 255, 255, 0 };


if defined(ESP8266)||defined(ESP32) // for nodemcu, weemos and esp8266

define ESPWifiManualSetup true //uncomment you don't want to use wifimanager for your credential settings on ESP

else // for arduino boards

const byte ip[] = { 192, 168, 1, 3 }; const byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xED, 0xBA, 0xFE, 0x54, 0x95 }; //W5100 ethernet shield mac adress


if defined(ESPWifiManualSetup) // for nodemcu, weemos and esp8266

define wifi_ssid "HOME-NET"

define wifi_password "12345678"


define WifiManager_password "your_password" //this is going to be the WPA2-PSK password for the initial setup access point

define WifiManager_ssid Gateway_Name //this is the network name of the initial setup access point

define WifiManager_ConfigPortalTimeOut 120

define WifiManager_TimeOut 5

grzegorz189 commented 4 years ago

807#endif 808 809#if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)

1technophile commented 4 years ago

should be ok in development branch

byte4geek commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot now it works, this issue solved.

1technophile commented 4 years ago

Great, thanks for the feedback!