1zc / CS2-Pterodactyl

Docker image and Pterodactyl eggs to support CS2 and CS:GO (after archival), based on SteamRT3.
GNU General Public License v3.0
76 stars 24 forks source link

Segmentation fault errors on install and on start #6

Closed oskarjas96 closed 9 months ago

oskarjas96 commented 10 months ago

I downloaded egg cs2.json, imported to my pterodactyl and installed fresh server.

Here are my logs after installing:

[ 31%] Downloading update (22281 of 59709 KB)...
[ 97%] Downloading update (59709 of 59709 KB)...
[100%] Download Complete.
[----] Applying update...
[----] Extracting package...
[----] Extracting package...
[----] Extracting package...
[----] Extracting package...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Cleaning up...
[----] Update complete, launching...
WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'. International characters may not work.
Redirecting stderr to '/mnt/server/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
Logging directory: '/mnt/server/Steam/logs'
/tmp/dumps insufficient permissions - delete and recreate
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
[  0%] Downloading update...
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Download complete.
[----] Extracting package...
[----] Extracting package...
[----] Extracting package...
[----] Extracting package...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Installing update...
[----] Cleaning up...
[----] Update complete, launching Steamcmd...
WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'. International characters may not work.
Redirecting stderr to '/mnt/server/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
Logging directory: '/mnt/server/Steam/logs'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1694466999
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Logging in user 'USERNAME_HERE' to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
roaming config store loaded successfully - 0 bytes.
 Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
saving roaming config store to 'sharedconfig.vdf'
roaming config store 2 saved successfully
 Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
 Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 0.01 (3073965 / 36461156929)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 0.20 (71905130 / 36461156929)
 Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.96 (36447525441 / 36461156929)
 Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 99.25 (36189284713 / 36461156929)
 Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 3.98 (1451107090 / 36461156929)
 Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 7.38 (2689879880 / 36461156929)
 Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 98.34 (35856849362 / 36461156929)
dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Success! App '730' fully installed.
crash_20230929162902_152.dmp[195]: Uploading dump (out-of-process)

crash_20230929162902_152.dmp[195]: Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = no

crash_20230929162902_152.dmp[195]: error: libcurl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

crash_20230929162902_152.dmp[195]: file ''/tmp/dumps/crash_20230929162902_152.dmp'', upload no: ''libcurl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory''

/mnt/server/steamcmd/steamcmd.sh: line 39:    42 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) $DEBUGGER "$STEAMEXE" "$@"
'linux32/steamclient.so' -> '../.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so'
'linux64/steamclient.so' -> '../.steam/sdk64/steamclient.so'
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Checking server disk space usage, this could take a few seconds...
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Updating process configuration files...
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Ensuring file permissions are set correctly, this could take a few seconds...

Then after I started server:

container@pterodactyl~ Server marked as starting...
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Pulling Docker container image, this could take a few minutes to complete...
Pulling from 1zc/steamrt3-pterodactyl 
Status: Image is up to date for ghcr.io/1zc/steamrt3-pterodactyl:latest 
Digest: sha256:24204c5904fee5df91ac4a8abad183a1bd64582b26a3c756e6ae362dfe312cd6 
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Finished pulling Docker container image
/entrypoint.sh: line 5: ip: command not found
Redirecting stderr to '/home/container/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
Logging directory: '/home/container/Steam/logs'
Looks like steam didn't shutdown cleanly, scheduling immediate update check
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1694466999
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Logging in user 'USERNAME_HERE' to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
Please use force_install_dir before logon!
Success! App '730' already up to date.
:/home/container$ ./game/cs2.sh -dedicated +ip IP_HERE -port 27015 +map de_dust2
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libengine2.so, got 0x55b0a65b2380
Console initialized.
Steam AppId(730), BreakpadId(2347771)
InitSteamLogin_Internal: Initializing breakpad.
Using breakpad crash handler
Steam Universe is invalid, possibly asking before Steam was successfully initialized.
ResetBreakpadAppId: Universe is 0 (k_EUniverseInvalid)
ResetBreakpadAppId: Setting dedicated server app id: 2347773
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 2347773
Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Loaded libSDL3.so.0, got 0x55b0a66ac720
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libtier0.so, got 0x55b0a659c0c0
Visibility enabled.
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libfilesystem_stdio.so, got 0x55b0a66acbe0
USRLOCAL path not found!
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/liblocalize.so, got 0x55b0a66bf100
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/librendersystemempty.so, got 0x55b0a66d11f0
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libresourcesystem.so, got 0x55b0a66e3710
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libschemasystem.so, got 0x55b0a66f5c30
Trying to set dxlevel (111) which is higher than the card can support (110)!
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libmaterialsystem2.so, got 0x55b0a6707d30
Path ID:             File Path:
ADDONS               "/home/container/game/csgo_addons/" 
CONTENT              "/home/container/content/csgo/" 
CONTENT              "/home/container/content/csgo_imported/" 
CONTENT              "/home/container/content/csgo_core/" 
CONTENT              "/home/container/content/core/" 
CONTENTADDONS        "/home/container/content/csgo_addons/" 
CONTENTROOT          "/home/container/content/" 
DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH   "/home/container/game/csgo/pak01.vpk" (vpk) /home/container/game/csgo/pak01.vpk
DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH   "/home/container/game/csgo/" 
EXECUTABLE_PATH      "/home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/" 
GAME                 "/home/container/game/csgo/pak01.vpk" (vpk) /home/container/game/csgo/pak01.vpk
GAME                 "/home/container/game/csgo_imported/pak01.vpk" (vpk) /home/container/game/csgo_imported/pak01.vpk
GAME                 "/home/container/game/csgo_core/pak01.vpk" (vpk) /home/container/game/csgo_core/pak01.vpk
GAME                 "/home/container/game/core/pak01.vpk" (vpk) /home/container/game/core/pak01.vpk
GAME                 "/home/container/game/csgo/" 
GAME                 "/home/container/game/csgo_imported/" 
GAME                 "/home/container/game/csgo_core/" 
GAME                 "/home/container/game/core/" 
GAMEBIN              "/home/container/game/csgo/bin/linuxsteamrt64/" 
GAMEBIN              "/home/container/game/csgo/bin/" 
GAMEBIN              "/home/container/game/csgo_imported/bin/linuxsteamrt64/" 
GAMEBIN              "/home/container/game/csgo_imported/bin/" 
GAMEBIN              "/home/container/game/csgo_core/bin/linuxsteamrt64/" 
GAMEBIN              "/home/container/game/csgo_core/bin/" 
GAMEBIN              "/home/container/game/core/bin/linuxsteamrt64/" 
GAMEBIN              "/home/container/game/core/bin/" 
GAMEROOT             "/home/container/game/" 
MOD                  "/home/container/game/csgo/pak01.vpk" (vpk) /home/container/game/csgo/pak01.vpk
MOD                  "/home/container/game/csgo_imported/pak01.vpk" (vpk) /home/container/game/csgo_imported/pak01.vpk
MOD                  "/home/container/game/csgo_core/pak01.vpk" (vpk) /home/container/game/csgo_core/pak01.vpk
MOD                  "/home/container/game/csgo/" 
MOD                  "/home/container/game/csgo_imported/" 
MOD                  "/home/container/game/csgo_core/" 
PLATFORM             "/home/container/game/core/pak01.vpk" (vpk) /home/container/game/core/pak01.vpk
PLATFORM             "/home/container/game/core/" 
SHADER_SOURCE        "/home/container/src/shaders/csgo/" 
SHADER_SOURCE        "/home/container/src/shaders/csgo_imported/" 
SHADER_SOURCE        "/home/container/src/shaders/csgo_core/" 
SHADER_SOURCE        "/home/container/src/shaders/core/" 
SHADER_SOURCE_MOD    "/home/container/src/shaders/csgo/" 
SHADER_SOURCE_ROOT   "/home/container/src/shaders/" 
command line arguments:
-dedicated +ip IP_HERE -port 27015 +map de_dust2
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libmeshsystem.so, got 0x55b0a671a670
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libworldrenderer.so, got 0x55b0a672cb90
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libpulse_system.so, got 0x55b0a673f0b0
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libvscript.so, got 0x55b0a6753a90
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libnetworksystem.so, got 0x55b0a6765b80
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libanimationsystem.so, got 0x55b0a677a1a0
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libvphysics2.so, got 0x55b0a6790080
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libsoundsystem.so, got 0x55b0a67a31f0
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libscenesystem.so, got 0x55b0a67b90d0
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libv8system.so, got 0x55b0a67ce770
Network System Initialized
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libserver_valve.so, got (nil)
 failed to dlopen /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libserver_valve.so error=/home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libserver_valve.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 failed to dlopen "/home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libserver_valve.so" error=/home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libserver_valve.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Loaded libserver_valve.so, got (nil)
 failed to dlopen libserver_valve.so error=libserver_valve.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 failed to dlopen "libserver_valve.so" error=libserver_valve.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Loaded /home/container/game/csgo/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libserver.so, got 0x55b0a67e8900
Physics Console Communications is not initialized
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libengine2.so, got 0x55b0a65b2380
Loaded /home/container/game/csgo/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libhost.so, got 0x55b0a681a200
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libscenefilecache.so, got 0x55b0a682d370
Loaded /home/container/game/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libparticles.so, got 0x55b0a683f890
Loaded /home/container/game/csgo/bin/linuxsteamrt64/libmatchmaking.so, got 0x55b0a6852e20
No .vcds loaded or no scenes/scenes.vrman
GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (custom/custom).
GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/cooperative).
GameTypes: missing mapgroupsSP entry for game type/mode (cooperative/coopmission).
Event System loaded 93 events from file: vpk:/home/container/game/core/pak01.vpk:resource/core.gameevents.
Event System loaded 50 events from file: vpk:/home/container/game/csgo/pak01.vpk:resource/game.gameevents.
Event System loaded 152 events from file: vpk:/home/container/game/csgo/pak01.vpk:./resource/mod.gameevents.
CEntitySystem::BuildEntityNetworking (parallel build of server) took 29.410 msecs for 211 out of 289 classes
CHostStateMgr::QueueNewRequest( Idle (console), 1 )
Source2Init OK
HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_IDLE):  loop(console) id(1) addons() desc(Idle (console))
SwitchToLoop console requested:  id [1] addons []
Host activate: Idle (console)
Loading map "de_dust2"
CHostStateMgr::QueueNewRequest( Loading (de_dust2), 2 )
HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_GAME):  loop(levelload) id(2) addons() desc(Loading (de_dust2))
SwitchToLoop levelload requested:  id [2] addons []
SV:  Level loading started for 'de_dust2'
CL:  CLoopModeLevelLoad::MaybeSwitchToGameLoop switching to "game" loopmode with addons ()
SwitchToLoop game requested:  id [2] addons []
dlopen failed trying to load:
with error:
steamclient.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Loaded '/home/container/.steam/sdk64/steamclient.so' OK.  (First tried local 'steamclient.so')
CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 1 milliseconds to initialize
dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 730
SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Caching Steam ID:  76561197960265728 [API loaded yes]
SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Setting Steam ID:  76561197960265728
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Caching Steam ID:  76561197960265728 [API loaded yes]
SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Setting Steam ID:  76561197960265728
[S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamUtils010 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
Steam Universe valid after having been requested when invalid.  Universe is now 1
ResetBreakpadAppId: Universe is 1 (k_EUniversePublic)
ResetBreakpadAppId: Setting dedicated server app id: 2347773
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 2347773
SteamGameServer_Init() OK, logging on to Steam
CNetworkSystem::InitGameServer: CSteamGameServerAPIContext::Init OK
Initialized low level socket/threading support.
Set SteamNetworkingSockets P2P_STUN_ServerList to '' as per SteamNetworkingSocketsSerialized
CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_dead -> ss_waitingforgamesessionmanifest)
SV:  maxplayers set to 64
Server is hibernating
Created poll group for socket 'server'
SDR RelayNetworkStatus:  avail=Attempting  config=Attempting  anyrelay=Not Attempted   (Attempt #1 to fetch config from https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/GetSDRConfig/v1?appid=730)
AuthStatus (invalid):  Waiting  (Waiting for Steam login)
Cannot create listen socket.  Failed to bind socket.  Error code 0x00000062.
Cannot create listen socket.  Failed to bind socket.  Error code 0x00000062.
Failed to open UDP network socket 'server'
Failed to open/bind server socket
networkserverservice.cpp 409 StartupServer():
Failed to open/bind server socket
./game/cs2.sh: line 115:    41 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) ${STEAM_RUNTIME_PREFIX} ${GAME_DEBUGGER} "${GAMEROOT}"/${GAMEEXE} "$@"
container@pterodactyl~ Server marked as offline...
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: ---------- Detected server process in a crashed state! ----------
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Exit code: 139
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Out of memory: false
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Checking server disk space usage, this could take a few seconds...
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Updating process configuration files...
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Ensuring file permissions are set correctly, this could take a few seconds...

Please help me if you know how to fix it.

If you have any additional questions I will answer later.

1zc commented 10 months ago
Success! App '730' already up to date.
:/home/container$ ./game/cs2.sh -dedicated +ip IP_HERE -port 27015 +map de_dust2
Failed to open UDP network socket 'server'
Failed to open/bind server socket
networkserverservice.cpp 409 StartupServer():
Failed to open/bind server socket
./game/cs2.sh: line 115:    41 Segmentation fault

It looks like your Pterodactyl allocation is passing IP_HERE into the game launch command instead of an actual IP address, thus causing the server to fail to bind and then crash. Could you please try assigning a correct IP address?

oskarjas96 commented 10 months ago

It is correct, I just hide it, same like USERNAME_HERE I am sorry for not mentioning that.

1zc commented 10 months ago

Cool, what operating system are you running on the host?

oskarjas96 commented 10 months ago

Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 6.3.10-xanmod1 x86_64)

exababy commented 10 months ago

different from the subject, cs2 has been updated, how can I update it?

1zc commented 10 months ago

Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 6.3.10-xanmod1 x86_64)

Are you on a dedicated machine by any chance? Is the IP address you're assigning the primary IP address of the host or an additional IP on the network interface? Asking because I want to see if its related to another issue that was reported to me about networking binds

@exababy Please keep issues on topic. Restart your server and SteamCMD will update the game.

oskarjas96 commented 10 months ago

It is dedicated machine. I tried primary IP and additional IP (called failover in ovh host). Nothing works.

oskarjas96 commented 10 months ago

I just found similar issue here: https://hlmod.net/threads/cs-go-vsjo.65805 (page 4 and 6 at the moment) I don't know russian language, but by using translate I know there is no solution yet. Maybe they or you will figure this out somehow :)

oskarjas96 commented 9 months ago

This fixed issue for me: https://github.com/1zc/CS2-Pterodactyl/issues/9#issuecomment-1741746874