2003scape / rsc-news-archives

📰 archived news posts from jagex for runescape classic
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Missing updates #1

Open Hubcapp opened 3 years ago

Hubcapp commented 3 years ago

While making my Combined update, client, and cache history table, I noticed that the wiki is missing some early official update newsposts, unfortunately. I recovered some of the gist of them from a 2002 tip.it news archive, and in one case at least they copy and pasted the alleged official update text (April 20th 2001).

It would be nice to be able to recover even more of the news posts. Hopefully the table I constructed can be used to indicate when we might have expected a news post and didn't find one.

It would also be nice (when possible) to provide links to where the newsposts can be seen in their original form.

misterhat commented 3 years ago

I'm pretty sure they posted stuff to the forums before cleaning it up and posting it on a more official page later on sometimes, but I'll definitely comb through these and add whatever's missing.