Team member #3 (if the team has 2 members - divide these tasks between yourselves)
Create a Game class in a separate .rb file.
Create an Author class with an association to the Item class (in a separate .rb file).
All Game class properties visible in the diagram should be defined and set up in the constructor method.
All Author class properties visible in the diagram should be defined and set up in the constructor method.
Implement methods:
add_item method in the Author class
should take an instance of the Item class as an input
should add the input item to the collection of items
should add self as a property of the item object (by using the correct setter from the item object)
can_be_archived?() in the Game class
should override the method from the parent class
should return true if parent's method returns true AND if last_played_at is older than 2 years
otherwise, it should return false
Add unit tests for all implemented methods.
The following options should be available:
List of games
List all authors (e.g. 'Stephen King')
Add a game
All data should be preserved by saving collections in .json files.
Create a schema.sql file with tables that will be analogical to the structure of the classes that you created:
games table (add all properties and associations from the parent Item class as table columns)
authors table
Team member #3 (if the team has 2 members - divide these tasks between yourselves) Create a Game class in a separate .rb file. Create an Author class with an association to the Item class (in a separate .rb file). All Game class properties visible in the diagram should be defined and set up in the constructor method. All Author class properties visible in the diagram should be defined and set up in the constructor method. Implement methods: add_item method in the Author class should take an instance of the Item class as an input should add the input item to the collection of items should add self as a property of the item object (by using the correct setter from the item object) can_be_archived?() in the Game class should override the method from the parent class should return true if parent's method returns true AND if last_played_at is older than 2 years otherwise, it should return false Add unit tests for all implemented methods. The following options should be available: List of games List all authors (e.g. 'Stephen King') Add a game All data should be preserved by saving collections in .json files. Create a schema.sql file with tables that will be analogical to the structure of the classes that you created: games table (add all properties and associations from the parent Item class as table columns) authors table