I can't launch the Application anymore, it worked fine with this config before.
Now I am stuck in an endless loop:
[14:24:13] [HRtoVRChat_OSC.Program] (WARN): HRListener is currently inactive! Start it first! [14:24:13] [HRtoVRChat_OSC.HRManagers.PulsoidManager] (LOG): Initialized WebSocket! [14:24:13] [HRtoVRChat_OSC.WebsocketTemplate+<Start>d__5:Void MoveNext()] (ERROR): Failed to connect to WebSocket server! Exception: | Exception: System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException (0x80004005): The server returned status code '521' when status code '101' was expected. at System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketHandle.ConnectAsync(Uri uri, CancellationToken cancellationToken, ClientWebSocketOptions options) at System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket.ConnectAsyncCore(Uri uri, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at HRtoVRChat_OSC.WebsocketTemplate.Start() in E:\RiderProjects\HRtoVRChat_OSC\HRtoVRChat_OSC\WebsocketTemplate.cs:line 25 [14:24:13] [HRtoVRChat_OSC.Program] (WARN): HRListener is currently inactive! Start it first! [14:24:13] [HRtoVRChat_OSC.HRManagers.PulsoidManager] (LOG): Initialized WebSocket! [14:24:13] [HRtoVRChat_OSC.Program] (WARN): HRListener is currently inactive! Start it first!
This was an issue with the backend on the HRProxy server. It has been fixed and rebooted and you should not see this issue anymore. Sorry for the inconvenience!
I can't launch the Application anymore, it worked fine with this config before. Now I am stuck in an endless loop:
[14:24:13] [HRtoVRChat_OSC.Program] (WARN): HRListener is currently inactive! Start it first! [14:24:13] [HRtoVRChat_OSC.HRManagers.PulsoidManager] (LOG): Initialized WebSocket! [14:24:13] [HRtoVRChat_OSC.WebsocketTemplate+<Start>d__5:Void MoveNext()] (ERROR): Failed to connect to WebSocket server! Exception: | Exception: System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException (0x80004005): The server returned status code '521' when status code '101' was expected. at System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketHandle.ConnectAsync(Uri uri, CancellationToken cancellationToken, ClientWebSocketOptions options) at System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket.ConnectAsyncCore(Uri uri, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at HRtoVRChat_OSC.WebsocketTemplate.Start() in E:\RiderProjects\HRtoVRChat_OSC\HRtoVRChat_OSC\WebsocketTemplate.cs:line 25 [14:24:13] [HRtoVRChat_OSC.Program] (WARN): HRListener is currently inactive! Start it first! [14:24:13] [HRtoVRChat_OSC.HRManagers.PulsoidManager] (LOG): Initialized WebSocket! [14:24:13] [HRtoVRChat_OSC.Program] (WARN): HRListener is currently inactive! Start it first!