200Tigersbloxed / VRCFTOmniceptModule

A VRCFaceTracking Module that adds support for the HP Omnicept
MIT License
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Eye Tracking no longer working #4

Open ConfideRuin opened 1 year ago

ConfideRuin commented 1 year ago

Before VRCFT 5.0, I was getting no issues with the eye tracking and for months I could launch the application and my eye tracking worked immediately for my avatar that I put in custom eye tracking for.

Now after the 5.0 update and with this module it began working with avatars that had simple eye look, which was awesome. I could actually look around and blink with pretty much any avatar. However, it is so inconsistent with getting the module or the application to work anymore. I've spent tens of hours reinstalling, unblocking .dlls, using custom libs and the module within the VRCFT application itself just to try and get the eye tracking to start working, but only when I get super lucky does it just magically turn on sometimes. It's so inconsistent, sometimes I can restart everything a few times then maybe it may work, other times I'll spend hours reinstalling everything and restarting my PC and could yield no results.

Every day I've been getting on for the past few weeks it just doesn't work immediately anymore, maybe only once or twice out of this whole time and it's driving me mad so I have to make a post, since I don't know what else to do. I've meticulously followed everything I've been recommended to do in the VRCFT Discord to no real avail.

I've even fully disabled my firewall and everything just trying to get this working but it just won't. I don't know why.

Attached below is VRCFT application examples, and showing that everything for my sensors are on for Omnicept.

Please help

image image image image image image

ConfideRuin commented 1 year ago

In the photo I'm having to use a public model with basic eye look, but even those avatars should be able to look around and blink but they aren't even. I can't test my custom made avatar with my own custom made eye tracking at the moment, but i'm sure it wouldn't work right either, I consistently get this issue now.

200Tigersbloxed commented 1 year ago

Is the first screenshot provided an example of when the Avatar is visibly working, or not? Do you notice anything special when this issue occurs, or when it works? All the messages are NOT coming in through the OSC Debug, right?

I'm also noticing that you're using this alongside with HRtoVRChat_OSC, can you verify that you aren't having port blocking issues with that? (For example, not running an OSC proxy [like VOR] can cause issues with them trying to bind on the same port, but I could've sworn VRCFT had some sort of patch for that, but I don't remember)

I mean this issue sounds really weird to me, and I just honestly could not tell you what could cause this. This is the first time I'm hearing of this issue. I myself do not have an Omnicept so it's really hard for me to debug this software; all I have is the simulator app, and it just seemed to work with it just fine, and for other people who have tested it. If you find any more information, please let me know!

ConfideRuin commented 1 year ago

In all screenshots there the eye tracking wasn't functioning or turning on. I've started to open up the the eye tracking debug in VRChat's settings where you can see a blue ball wherever you look to, which was not showing up at all. I don't notice anything out the ordinary, with it working or not, I don't really find out until I'm in game. With the built-in Console that VRCFT uses, it may show something concerning, like how many the tokens come back as null, but I wasn't sure if that really meant anything. In VRC OSC Debug I don't get messages at all, and it asks me to restart the application or let it through the firewall (which it is), only when I reset OSC by turning it off and on, then I get eye tracking values but they are stuck at 0%.

HRtoVRChat is something I occasionally use, but I 95% of the time never even open that application so it's always closed when I start the game at first. But maybe that could be an issue, I could try removing it off of the Authorized Clients List and see if that helps, but even before 5.0 I would run both applications at the same time when I got my headset for a couple months. The gasket is less comfortable so I just switch over to the cloth so that's why I don't use the heart rate too much, unless I'm being active. It has worked a couple times but that application was giving me issues at first but not the last couple times I've used it.

I did eventually get it working after 2 hours of reinstalling VRCFT, Resetting the application, and restarting my PC but again after I reinstalled it like 5 times it suddenly started working again. So when I go through that process I can never pinpoint what the issue is because everything I try specifically doesn't really seem to work. I wish I could see through the Omnicept software that the Eye Tracking is on and working, but the only way I can try that is by Calibrating Eye Tracking but I've only ever had to do that once before and it keeps that calibration even after all of these uninstalls of the VRCFT Software. Every time I run the Calibration it does successfully work so I feel like it isn't the Omnicept itself. I think that is why it is either the module, VRCFT, or the port not getting anything like it should. I do always get the whole 0ms Outgoing when it isn't working.

Also small side note, I have a custom avatar where I can check Dilation and such, which consistently stays between 30-95% when it is working. When it doesn't work it is at 0% but lately I started seeing this crazy number when it doesn't work sometimes I'll post a picture of it.


Once it is on and working, it stays working perfectly the whole time for that session, the only real issue seems to be it starting, that's the only real inconsistency. I don't know what isn't launching, or not getting information even though all software and osc is on.

I also have converted my Omnicept to be tracked by a tracker so it has base station tracking but I'm not sure if that causes any hiccups, I hope not because Base Station tracking is needed in in my opinion. Though on the earlier version on VRCFT it did work consistently, even with the base tracking conversion.

Thank you for helping me out with this! I just wish I could pinpoint the issue because it's hard to tell where it's deciding to not work with.

200Tigersbloxed commented 1 year ago

With the built-in Console that VRCFT uses, it may show something concerning, like how many the tokens come back as null, but I wasn't sure if that really meant anything

This sounds really concerning, assuming these are CancellationTokenSources. Do you have any screenshots/logs of this?

I could try removing it off of the Authorized Clients List and see if that helps

probably not

HRtoVRChat is something I occasionally use, but I 95% of the time never even open that application so it's always closed when I start the game at first.

Then there should be no issue there.

I did eventually get it working after 2 hours of reinstalling VRCFT, Resetting the application, and restarting my PC but again after I reinstalled it like 5 times it suddenly started working again.

Has it been consistently working? Any logs anywhere that point out when it stops working?

When it doesn't work it is at 0% but lately I started seeing this crazy number when it doesn't work sometimes I'll post a picture of it.

This number is the minimum value for a signed 32-bit integer (int), -2,147,483,648, which can also be referenced by Int32.MinValue. Afaik, I don't use minvalue anywhere (please correct me if I'm wrong), so that could either be VRCFT or Omnicept, but more probably Omnicept.

ConfideRuin commented 1 year ago

I was referring to this, about the null token. image

However on booting it up today, it started without a single issue this time and it just worked. The public key token is still null, so that must be nothing.

I don't know where to pull logs besides from that VRCFT screenshot I've shown you earlier, which doesn't really seem to provide any information about anything not working when it isn't.

Sometimes I'm lucky and it just works or I'll have to uninstall/restart my pc for an hour to get it working. So I'm really unsure. I booted everything up in the same order as I did yesterday and all, and this time it worked, but yesterday it didn't. I don't know, it's just being inconsistent for me.

I personally don't know anyone else with an Omnicept myself, so I don't know, maybe it could just be me or something do with my pc, but it's all so confusing because as I said when it stops working, I have no clue why.

200Tigersbloxed commented 1 year ago

I was referring to this, about the null token.

Never mind, that's not to worry.

I don't know where to pull logs

Latest log file can be found at %appdata%/VRCFaceTracking/latest.log

Not too sure I can deduce an issue here. I hate pulling a "it works on mine and other people's computers," but I mean there's just not much I'm working with here lol. I'll leave this open, but let me know if it happens again. Hopefully there can be more to investigate there.

ConfideRuin commented 1 year ago

I've had this issue a lot of times where it does stop working, but the last 3 times it has been working well with no problems, and I really haven't done anything different. I just wanted to let you know.

Thank you for your support though, it's much appreciated! I pray it keeps working this time.