2016-RCAD-GA-Thesis / Eigengrau

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Feedback - 9/15 #8

Open mcassin opened 9 years ago

mcassin commented 9 years ago

Looking at what you have done so far to upgrade your caravan modular kit, I have to say it looks fantastic. The use of the individual simplistic meshes really brings a lot more visual elements to the space, including the minor, smaller details.

My main concerns would be mostly within the area of complexity of meshes vs. camera space/time. It's huge that you have such great details, but the biggest thing to consider would be how lighting will/won't play as a factor of visibility, and what details will be potentially lost. It'd be a shame to push so hard only to lose a lot of fidelity in your models in your trailer or screenshots for portfolio pieces.

Models that seem to fall under this premise would be something like your hanging corner piece you have been chiseling away at. It's hard to say that the magnum opus is a piece of fancy wood/metalwork that is used to reinforce the corner of something. Don't get me wrong - it's beautifully done, but looking at some of the meshes within the group such as the central flower is in need of noting that it's very high-poly for a half-sphere and petals. Adding extra edge loops to round corners isn't a problem, but just be careful of how high the polycount goes for something you may/may not use a lot of, let alone consider getting camera time.

The walls you have currently (I understand it's WIP) work wonderfully, but I can't help but think that you could push some normal mapping instead of the cylindrical objects between the wooden planks. It'll save you some tris, and allow you to get super creative with them to look great! Definitely something to consider as an alternative to the corner piece and other parts of the modular kit, as I've seen many gypsy wagons have etchings for paintings in them that really make them stand out, which normals can easily fix.

All in all it's looking great, and I hope it turns out beautifully!