2016-RCAD-GA-Thesis / terminal

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identify "key asset" for FALL #3

Closed tokkentakker closed 8 years ago

rhuberga commented 8 years ago

I think my key asset might be the Neurons. There's a close-up shot of one near the beginning of the trailer, which includes a material effect, and possibly a blend shape. (the current design is similar to this: https://youtu.be/rD3oxP2pToI?t=2m9s) It also ties into the brain theme the best. My other contender would be the 'vents' (volcanoes) but despite featuring heavily in the environment towards the end, I think they're more of a background element.

Your thoughts?

tokkentakker commented 8 years ago

if the neurons are closer to that organic architecture shared earlier this summer I could see that being a good contender for key asset. resolved?