2016-RCAD-GA-Thesis / terminal

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Shots #40

Open rhuberga opened 8 years ago

rhuberga commented 8 years ago

Add shot that lerps down to a lower timescale before a shockwave goes off to show that mechanic. Possibly have plants in foreground again to shot them affected by the ground / wind. Could also include blockers for more evidence of shockwave effects.

rhuberga commented 8 years ago

17 has a shot idea (inside track, working on that now)

Note: Blow out screen as car passes to an exposure transition (like the one from the tone video) to hide the crappy part of the shot at the end. There's a pretty obvious gap between the track meshes right where the viewer should be looking. Put a boost pad there to cover it up (boost pad models will need 'roots' that dangle down into the track)

42 too (shot of car avoiding arms with camera close to car or in-game POV)