2017-fall-DL-training-program / VAE-GAN-and-VAE-GAN

An assignment to learn how to implement three differnent kinds of generative models
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Loss function in VAE #25

Open bcpenggh opened 6 years ago

bcpenggh commented 6 years ago

Dear TA,

In the example code of VAE, the loss function is the summation of cross entropy and KL divergence. loss_fun_vae

On the other hand in VAE-GAN, the loss function is the summation of MSE and KL divergence. loss_fun_vae-gan

Both of them seems work well. Are they equivalent? And which one matches the equation in the handout? loss_fun_eqn

a514514772 commented 6 years ago

Hi @bcpenggh,

The former term is a likelihood term. You can choose any distribution as your "belief". For example, I can "believe" that my likelihood should follow a Gaussian distribution with N(o1(x), sigma^2 * I) where o1 is unknown parameters and approximated by a neural network. Then, based on the idea of "Maximum Likelihood (MLE)", we should try to maximize the probability that the original training data appears. Note that our likelihood now is believed to be a "Gaussian". According to the formulation,


, to maximize the probability, our prediction should be as close as possible to the training data. That is, we should minimize the MSE between the prediction and the training data.

A similar story can be applied to BCE.

By the way, a likelihood function, p(x|z), means given an observation z how much likely an even, x, will happen.
