As a user
I need to have a way to resume an item (for purchase) in my shopping cart
So that I can purchase the item previously held when I want to purchase them
Details and Assumptions
Using the verb PUT with the URI ~shopcarts/{user_id}/items/{item_id}/resume~ shopcarts/int:user_id/items/int:item_id/resume per Prof's latest comment [EDIT]
that item in that shopcart will be moved away from held (will be ordered when user checks out the shopcart);
return 200 OK upon success
change boolean flag in the new column in database model to false
Need to refactor into Flask-X/swagger (including creating a new swagger data model now that we have this extra hold column, and add swagger docs to the route) [EDIT]
Acceptance Criteria
Given we have item_id 100 in user_id 300
When we call PUT on shopcarts/300/items/100/resume
Then we receive 200 OK
When we call PUT on shopcarts/300/items/100/hold
And we call PUT on shopcarts/300/items/100/resume
Then we receive 200 OK
And we call PUT on shopcarts/300/items/true/resume
Then we receive 404 Not Found
As a user I need to have a way to resume an item (for purchase) in my shopping cart So that I can purchase the item previously held when I want to purchase them
Details and Assumptions
change boolean flag in the new column in database model to false
Acceptance Criteria