2022-Spring-NYU-DevOps-Shopcarts / shopcarts

Shopcarts squad.
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1 line of strange output after running nosetests #117

Closed TimothyXu closed 2 years ago

TimothyXu commented 2 years ago

Currently in the nosetests output there is one line that's from std_out and I cannot figure out why only this one is special: '- Attempts to create an item with a non-positive int quantity 409 Conflict: Shopcart with user_id '21' already contains item with id '0'. Do you mean Update?'

Why is this in the nosetests output?

kdokm commented 2 years ago

I think it is not for non-positive but for 'Attempts creating an item with a duplicate ID' below, but I didn't check why the message is there. I can check it when I have time.

TimothyXu commented 2 years ago

I agree. Just don't know why this error message is special and escaped capture by nosetests.

TimothyXu commented 2 years ago

Solved by @kdokm