2022-Spring-NYU-DevOps-Shopcarts / shopcarts

Shopcarts squad.
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Problem when starting the server #26

Closed lemadmax closed 2 years ago

lemadmax commented 2 years ago


If we start our server using the line above, the nosetests won't work correctly. nosetests will stack and wait until we hit ctrl+c to terminate the server process.

Is there another way to start our server?

yjjw commented 2 years ago

Could you try "flask run" command in a bash terminal?

TimothyXu commented 2 years ago

This is the command I used that I think works: flask run -h -p 8000

kdokm commented 2 years ago

flask run should mostly works well. I think it actually uses the default host ip (which you can specify in -h) and default port (which you can specify in -p) to run the application. If unfortunately, it does not work, it is probably that the default port is already used by another application. In this case, you can try flask run -h -p xxxx, where xxxx can be any number.

TimothyXu commented 2 years ago

@lemadmax did any of these work?