As a system administrator
I need to have a nested shopcart API
So that our micro service can be used intuitively per REST principles
Details and Assumptions
use PUT /shopcarts/{customer_id}/items/{item_id} , passing in {price, quantity} to be changed to
per the professor 'Otherwise the shopping cart is updated one item at a time using the customer id and item id /shopcarts/{id}/items/{id}. '
Acceptance Criteria
Given valid customer_id
And that shopcart has item with id {item_id} in it
When we call PUT on /shopcarts/{customer_id}/items/{item_id} passing in {price, quantity}
Then service returns code 200 OK
And service returns message {item_id, name, price, quantity}
As a system administrator I need to have a nested shopcart API So that our micro service can be used intuitively per REST principles
Details and Assumptions
use PUT /shopcarts/{customer_id}/items/{item_id} , passing in {price, quantity} to be changed to
Acceptance Criteria