2022-Spring-NYU-DevOps-Shopcarts / shopcarts

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Create .github/workflows/bdd.yml file and configure github Actions #63

Closed yjjw closed 2 years ago

yjjw commented 2 years ago

As a developer I need to create a .github/workflows/bdd.yml file and configure Github Actions So that integration test cases are run every time main branch is updated or a Pull Request to the main branch is submitted

Details and Assumptions

kdokm commented 2 years ago

Hi @lemadmax ! I think you should only have one work in progress at any time, according to what we learned in class.

TimothyXu commented 2 years ago

Agreed per Agile, @lemadmax please only assign the top issue to yourself. I'll remove this assignment here

TimothyXu commented 2 years ago

Hi @lemadmax so I thought you had already worked on this story since you assigned 2 stories to yourself a few days ago including this one, so I thought you should have this story. But now that I understand this story is only about making GitHub Actions run Behave, perhaps you haven't actually worked on it, in which case feel free to unassign yourself and someone else can take it. Sorry for my misunderstanding of this story