2060-io / did-web-anoncreds-method

did:web AnonCreds Method specification
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Is it needed to support querying based on timestamp for did:web anoncreds method? #1

Open TimoGlastra opened 2 months ago

TimoGlastra commented 2 months ago

I'm working on implementing AnonCreds using did:web and am planning to host the AnonCreds objects in a cloud storage bucket (like Amazon S3).

A requirement is that a status list can be queried by a timestamp in the URL /<timestamp>.

This limits AnonCreds objects from being stored in a cloud storage bucket.

For us, we are mainly interested in hosting the latest version of the status list, and overwrite the object each time a new revocation entry is added. This is similar to how most status list specs used for W3C and SD-JWT specs work.

There could be benefit in allowing to query multiple versions, but we do lose some of the simplicity that exists for did:web.