2072 / Decursive

Decursive: https://www.wowace.com/projects/decursive
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 5 forks source link

LUA error happening often #13

Closed RejectKid closed 1 year ago

RejectKid commented 1 year ago


Could copy/pasta text but i have this. it also occurs so often that blizz warning pops up to disable addon.

Love your addon and have used for many years! thanks!

2072 commented 1 year ago

Please, read the message in orange that is clipped in your screenshot. Decursive is merely telling you that another add-on is causing many errors and that you should take care of this problem but it's not Decursive.

The add-on that is causing the issue is trying to use a deprecated API called GetActivityInfo (Decursive does not use this API). You can try to find which add-on is causing this by enabling LUA error reporting in your WoW interface option, or look for the text GetActivityInfo in your add-on folder files.