20kdc / gabien-app-r48

(Possibly buggy) application for game making, modding, and datamining, with a general focus around game engines compatible with the RPG Maker series.
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Usability issues? #20

Open 20kdc opened 6 years ago

20kdc commented 6 years ago

Fix usability issue scenarioes noted by rohkea below.

rohkea commented 6 years ago

Scenario: adding an event command to show message

In RPG Maker 2000, I need to:

  1. Double-click on the command insertion point (<> or a diamong sign)
  2. Choose the first command, ‘Show message’
  3. Type message in a 4-line box
  4. Click OK

Total: 5 clicks

In R48, I need to:

  1. Click on Add @ 1 to the right of the @pages
  2. Click on an empty button to the right of @pages:1
  3. Click on the [1] to the right of the @list
  4. Click on the Add @ 0 button
  5. Click on the newly-added ‘12310 End Event Processing’ command to the right of the 0 to change it
  6. Click on the ‘12310 End Event Processing’ type to change it
  7. Click on the ‘10110;Say’ to select a new type
  8. Click on the first line of @text to enter the text
  9. For lines 2, 3, 4, click on ‘Add to group’ and click on the next lines

Total: 8 for one-line messages, 14 for 4-line messages.

Why RPG Maker does this faster:

Will write about other scenarios later.

20kdc commented 6 years ago

Planned order of implementation (at present):

Regarding textbox grouping (several textboxes in one long window), it's doable but unsure if recommended (using grouping prevents individual copy/paste)

rohkea commented 5 years ago

One thing that makes navigating big If/Then/Else branches easier in RPG Maker is ability to click on the whole branch, have it selected and quickly see how far it goes. Here’s how it looks in RM2k: rm2k-with-selected-items

Something for quickly identifying where the branch ends would be welcome in R48 (maybe something like folding indented branches?)

20kdc commented 5 years ago

This'll be set for v1.2 given the nature of it. I'm trying to avoid anything too likely to create bugs in v1.1-1

20kdc commented 5 years ago

I've committed an implementation of something like this to master. It also makes the selection stuff use a lot less buttons.

rohkea commented 5 years ago

Some things that have been bugging me recently:

20kdc commented 5 years ago

Solved points 1/2. Not done with 3 yet. 4 is weird because on map editor you default to having no tool selected, which replaces camera tool for this purpose, while image editor doesn't have any such mode. (EDIT: Point 3 solved. Still unsure what to do about point 4.)

rohkea commented 5 years ago

Another things that is bugging me is the window for changing the grid in the image editor.

First, it’s just too small. Try accidentally entering a 3-digit number and you end up with this:


Second, I need to change grid way too often. Any time I edit character graphics. R48 knows what engine I use and file from which directory I’m editing, so it can pre-set the grid based on the folder of the file, thus eliminating the neccessity to change the grid size in most cases:

20kdc commented 5 years ago

Both the smaller grid thing and automatic grid guessing are now implemented for 2k/2k3/XP/VXA.

rohkea commented 5 years ago


rohkea commented 5 years ago

Minor annoyance: the ‘Change grid?’ dialog appears even when the old and the new grid is identical.

20kdc commented 5 years ago

I think I implemented this but didn't note about it. Confirm?

rohkea commented 5 years ago

Yes, it works fine now, thanks!

rohkea commented 5 years ago

Other things:

  1. Camera tool clears the Copy selection. This makes it harder to do precise copies without a mouse, because you can’t position them precisely.
  2. When not in tile view, clicking outside of the image probably shouldn’t draw on the image. This is just confusing.
20kdc commented 5 years ago

Ok, those should be fixed now.

rohkea commented 5 years ago

Some things that could be changed (but probably after the move events are sorted out! move events are more important, this can wait for 1.4):

In @common_events{N}, can we only show @condition_switch_id if @condition_switch is true? (Showing unused switch — with its name — is distracting: it seems to attract more attention than False above it.)

The default size of the Map Resize window (... > Resize) is too small:

A screenshot of a window that is as small as 1 icon on my desktop.

First, it's too small so it's harder to point it with a mouse.

Second, if you enter a 3-digit number, it doesn't fit:

Screenshot of a window without 'Resize' button visible (it's hidden because the number doesn't fit)

I suggest doing what you've done in the image editor, or something like that.

Help on event command is too small:

Screenshot of 4-character-wide window. No text fits in it.

Maybe not save the opacity=0 when creating a new colour?

When you are creating a new colour in Image editor, the opacity of the previous colour remains.

This might be useful when you're drawing with semi-transparent colours or something, but if you're not using opacity (i.e. you just draw with 1 transparent colour + many non-transparent colours), this can be confusing at first: you're creating a new colour but it's not working.

Since having >1 colour with opacity=0 is a very rare use-case (because they look exactly same), maybe pre-set opacity to 255 when it's 0?

20kdc commented 5 years ago

Help on event command size fix, and the map resize window size fix, are fixed and ready for v1.3-1. Mind confirming that the current state of master isn't... too broken? Everything seems fine here, but I tend to miss things.

rohkea commented 5 years ago

The current state of master is good, as far as I can see.

Another small thing:
'Show Picture' event command has 'magnify' preset to 0, so the picture is not visible by default. Also, it has pictureId preset to 0 but it's an invalid value (it should be >= 1).

20kdc commented 5 years ago

Regarding 'Show Picture', I believe we discussed that being fixed over IRC, so... dealt with, for now.