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retrieving SourceFilePath #161

Open sinokgr opened 7 years ago

sinokgr commented 7 years ago

Hi guys, I've been away for a while and I was so glad to see how much progress you've all done. Huge congrats to all. The builds are so useful, many thanks for that. 👍

Now, to my problem. I'm trying to retrieve the SourceFilePath from the assets. image

I tried to check both asset's properties and asset.AssetImportData's properties and they both come empty. Any ideas why?

(u'AssetImportData', <unreal_engine.UObject object at 0x00000244933C7F90>)
(u'SourceFilePath', u'')
(u'FbxSceneImportDataReference', None)
(u'SourceFilePath', u'')

Thanks, Nick

rdeioris commented 7 years ago

Hi @sinokgr, currently you should use the ad-hoc method .asset_import_data() that returns a list of dictionaries containing file infos. SourceFilePath is empty because in recent UE4 versions multiple source files can be mapped to the same asset (this is why .asset_import_data() returns a list)

sinokgr commented 7 years ago

awesome! thanks! :)

sinokgr commented 7 years ago

Sorry that I had to reopen this, but I think that something is not working as expected. my FBX is in D:\Scraps\Unreal\TestProject\Revit\SmallProject\FBX_4.fbx (where TestProject is the project directory)

The asset_import_data() returns:

   'timestamp': 1493894320L,
   'absolute_filepath': u'C:/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/4.13/Revit/SmallProject/FBX_4.fbx',
   'relative_filepath': u'../../../Revit/SmallProject/FBX_4.fbx',
   'filehash': u'149121516f64e5c954461a7d465437fc'

So, the absolute path is wrong, and when I tried to convert the relative to absolute using the ue.convert_relative_path_to_full() I got the exact same wrong absolute path. Does this has to do with where the project is located?

rdeioris commented 7 years ago

It looks like the absolute_filepath build procedure is wrong:


i do not think we should expose an absolute_filepath but let the user to rebuild it from the current working directory. Something like

import os

os.path.join(os.getcwd(), item['relative_filepath'])

Does it work in this way ?

sinokgr commented 7 years ago

Not really, this returns C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.13\Engine\Binaries\Win64../../../Revit/SmallProject/FBX_4.fbx

my workaround for now is the following:

import unreal_engine as ue
import os

def get_static_mesh_absolute_path(static_mesh):
    return_list = []
    asset_import_data = static_mesh.asset_import_data()

    # the real asset path from the asset (replace the /game/ with actual content path)
    asset_dir = ue.get_content_dir() + os.path.os.path.dirname(static_mesh.get_path_name())[6:]

    # loop for all 
    for a in range(0, len(asset_import_data)):
        # copy asset dir
        current_asset_dir = asset_dir
        # find relative path
        fbx_relative_dir = asset_import_data[a].get('relative_filepath')
        # calculate the relative dir depth
        steps = len(fbx_relative_dir.split("..")[:-1])
        # remove the last x depths from the current asset dir
        for i in range(0, steps):
            current_asset_dir = os.path.dirname(current_asset_dir)
        # combine and append the absolute path in the list
        return_list.append(current_asset_dir + fbx_relative_dir.split("..")[steps:][0])

    # return the paths
    return return_list

If you find a better approach I'm all ears cause this code works but doesn't look clean.

Cheers, Nick