20tab / UnrealEnginePython

Embed Python in Unreal Engine 4
MIT License
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How can I redirect a python class so that the engine can recognize him?(请问如何重定向一个python类,然后引擎能够识别他?) #879

Open jyaizq opened 2 years ago

jyaizq commented 2 years ago

英文:I have a python file that says behavior tree Task related content, so it can be recognized by the engine, and this task can be added to the behavior tree in the engine. But I modified the path of this python file later, and then I can't find this Task in the behavior tree in the engine. How can I fix it? 中文:我有一个python文件,里面写着行为树Task相关内容,所以它能被引擎识别,可以在引擎中的行为树里添加这个task。但是我后面修改这个python文件的路径,然后在引擎中的行为树里就找不到这个Task了,请问如何修复它?