22fevrier2019 / 22fevrier2019

Alger, 13 mars 2019 - Lancé aujourd’hui, “www.22fevrier2019.org” est un site internet réalisé par des jeunes algériens. Il a pour but de centraliser les revendications citoyennes et de faire émerger une plateforme légitime et représentative du mouvement de changement que vit l’Algérie. La révolution algérienne en cours, incarne la beauté de l’Algérie. Une Algérie moderne et citoyenne, une Algérie inclusive et unie, une Algérie jeune et libre. “Comment peut on transformer ce mouvement du peuple en un véritable changement sur le terrain”, c’est à cette question récurrente qu’un groupe de jeunes tente de répondre à travers le développement de ce site web. L’objectif de “www.22fevrier2019.org” est de constituer une plateforme de revendication à laquelle pourra participer chaque Algérien. Chaque citoyen peut proposer une revendication, il peut aussi donner un vote positif ou négatif pour les revendications proposées par ces concitoyens. La peur de récupération politique de ce mouvement, rend les algériens méfiants à l’égard des politiques de tous bords, c’est pourquoi la nécessité d’une telle plateforme c’est imposé à nous. Le rôle que joue internet et les réseaux sociaux dans l’expression des revendications du peuple est indéniable. Ce site est un moyen de plus pour les algériens de s’organiser afin de faire aboutir le mouvement.
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Features Request #1

Open tarekbazine opened 5 years ago

tarekbazine commented 5 years ago

First, I would like to thank you for this initiative -good job; Second, I have some propositions:

MounirB commented 5 years ago

Hello, I agree with the idea of tags and categories, and the mobile app. However, I think that the privacy of the voter/proposer is more important than the risk of duplicate votes

TaySai commented 5 years ago

I agree with your argument @MounirB that privacy is more important than the risk of duplication. In my case, I would vote, but when I saw that I had to connect with facebook or google, I simply refused. Maybe a google reCaptcha can solve your problem?

Ozsiix commented 5 years ago

I started working on the same project 4 days ago, but looks like you guys beat me to it ,, so here is what i have done so far,

Plus i totally agree with @terryBaz on avoiding bots thing from a security and credibility POV .

mavrickdeveloper commented 5 years ago

i suggest implementing the Blockchain technology in voting mechanism which will make the voting virtually impossible to fake thoughts ?

tarekbazine commented 5 years ago

thank you @lightingcoders for the suggestion (thanks all of you for this discussion)

Blockchain sounds great ! all though (for me) I do not have a clue on how to put this technology in real world (in the context of this project) and also for the technicals needs such as infras ..etc, any suggestion or concrete explanation of the implementation, will be a huge help.

Hamzandj commented 5 years ago

Salam alaikoum, Hello everybody. I want to thank you for the good job you're doing,and wanted to give some ideas to help :

you can refer to a similar website made by the French government to deal with popular claims so you can maybe take some ideas .

bmole31 commented 5 years ago

Hi everybody ! I d like to thank you so much for this initiative that confirms that Algeria has great talents who need to be free. I am right now studying bioinformatics in Montpellier, so my informatical culture is a bit limited (more biologist than informatican) but I can call for some suggestions and help from my fellows. I d also like to give some propositions about the website without being redundant: A welcoming page to explain the initiative and to give links To the différents subjects. There a nice example of this kind of website here: https://granddebat.fr I don't know if it's really possible to use a translator to translate all the propositions in French to Arabic and vice versa to get a liguistical homogeneous website. That's all for me guy's, looking forward to reading your feedbacks Mourad

bidossessi commented 5 years ago

Hi all. Some great contributions here.

Totally agree for the home page. It is essential. I believe users should be encouraged to make one and only one proposal per item. It would ease referral. I know it's not possible to enforce it, but a good home page could help in directing users as to how it would be beneficial.

@Ozsiix I understand your idea of avoiding redundancy, but I think existing social networks can be leveraged to deal with the "discussion" part, as long as the platform has proper sharing and permalinks. It would be a serious overhead to add it here.

There should probably be a feature to "merge" similar proposals, and consolidate their support/opposition. I'm still thinking of how it could look visually.