23434-qa / QA

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How to import tasks from a CSV file? #11

Open 23434-qa opened 1 year ago

23434-qa commented 1 year ago

Created date: 2023-08-22T07:32:35+00:00 [Created date: 2023-01-10T10:00:33+02:00]

[Author: Serhii(s.snovyda@relokia.com)]


To import your tasks, provide file that contain a heading row with task fields names. The heading row is necessary to identify and map data objects.

Prepare a CSV file which contains a heading row with the following columns:

TaskId (REQUIRED, ex.: 1543) Subject (REQUIRED, ex.: Test subject) Type (REQUIRED, ex.: Task) Tags (REQUIRED, ex.: tag 1, tag 2) Description (REQUIRED, ex.: Test Description) Status (REQUIRED, ex.: Open) Priority (REQUIRED, ex.: Low) AssigneeEmail (REQUIRED, ex.: a.lewis@yourcompany.com) AssigneeName (REQUIRED, ex.: Adam Lewis) CreatorEmail (REQUIRED, ex.: s.gibbson@mail.com) CreatorName (REQUIRED, ex.: Stacey Gibbson) CreatedTime (REQUIRED, format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) UpdatedTime (optional, format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) Attachments (optional, ex.: https://site.com/attachment1.jpg, https://site.com/attachment1.pdf) Section (REQUIRED, ex.: Engineering) ParentId (optional, ex.: 2) DueDate (optional, format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) StartDate (optional, format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)


To migrate custom fields, add tags to columns headers (task fields names) so that the Migration Wizard could identify them. Here are the tags you need to use:

* _select - dropdown (e.g. ChoseProduct_select)
* _date - time (e.g. Due_date)
* _integer - number (e.g. TaskInternal_integer)
* _decimal - decimal (e.g. Cost_decimal)
* Any other columns in file without tag will be treated as string(text) at mapping


Create another CSV file with tasks' comments that will have a heading row with the following column headers:

CommentId (REQUIRED, ex.: 123) TaskId (REQUIRED, ex.: 1543) AuthorEmail (REQUIRED, ex.: jeremy@yourcompanydomain.com) Body (REQUIRED, ex.: Comment html or text content) CreatedTime (REQUIRED, ex.: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) Attachments (optional, ex.: https://site.com/attachment1.jpg, https://site.com/attachment1.pdf) Pay attention to the following aspects:

* Fields are separated by commas.
* The body of the comment or task description can contain HTML formatting
* To attach files you need to provide a public URL following which our service can access the attachment. You may add

multiple attachments - separate them by commas.

23434-qa commented 1 year ago

[Created date: 2023-09-20 11:29:00] [Author: 23434-qa(23434qa@without-email.com)] Created date: 2023-08-22T07:32:36+00:00 Author: Domain Creator (user_ia47mxiet6@1201587531797077.xf59q0.asanatest1.us)
[Created date: 2023-03-14T13:43:53+02:00] [Author: Serhii(s.snovyda@relokia.com)] On it

23434-qa commented 1 year ago

[Created date: 2023-09-20 11:29:00] [Author: 23434-qa(23434qa@without-email.com)] Created date: 2023-08-22T07:32:35+00:00 Author: Domain Creator (user_ia47mxiet6@1201587531797077.xf59q0.asanatest1.us)
[Created date: 2023-03-13T12:34:12+02:00] [Author: Serhii(s.snovyda@relokia.com)] IMPORTING TASK COMMENTS Create another
CSV file with tasks' comments that will have a heading row with the following column headers: CommentId (REQUIRED, ex.:
11) TaskId (REQUIRED, ex.: 1) AuthorEmail (REQUIRED, ex.: jeremy@yourcompanydomain.com) Body (REQUIRED, ex.: We need to
investigate this case as quickly as possible) CreatedTime (REQUIRED, format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) Attachments
(optional, ex.: https://site.com/attachment1.jpg, https://site.com/attachment1.pdf) Pay attention to the following
aspects: * Fields are separated by commas. * In case there is more than one comment related to the same task, simply
enter the same task ID. Double-check whether the comment IDs are different. * The body of the comment or task
description can contain HTML formatting * To attach files you need to provide a public URL following which our service
can access the attachment. You may add multiple attachments - separate them by commas. * You can specify your time zone
in the format 2021-09-07Т15:17:07+03:00. * If you don’t fill in your time zone, the time zone +3 sets up automatedly
during the data migration.