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Multi-Device Co-op Mode for UTAGE or Another Charts. #102

Open Zhuym07 opened 3 weeks ago

Zhuym07 commented 3 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. When attempting to play custom UTAGE charts that require collaboration on two devices, or when trying to simulate a synchronized co-op gaming experience, I find it challenging to start the game simultaneously on both devices.

Describe the solution you'd like I propose a feature that allows multiple devices to connect via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. With this connection, once all devices are ready and the play button is pressed, the chart will start playing simultaneously on all devices. The specific steps are as follows:

  1. Players create or join a room.
  2. The host selects the chart, and other devices receive the chart file from the host’s device via the local network.
  3. Wait for all players to press the ready button.
  4. After all players are ready, the game emits a prompt sound and starts simultaneously on all devices after three seconds.


DavidScann commented 3 weeks ago

This idea has been thought of AND is planned, we just have a lot of other features that we need to worry about for now.

As a user, though, here's what I'd recommend to sync up your game with other people (worked every single time in my experience)

  1. Start up the chart on both (or all participating devices)
  2. Immediately pause the song
  3. Restart the song at the same time

This should guarantee that the chart, given that they all have the same chart offset, should sync up just fine.

If you found this answer satisfactory, please close the issue. Thank you!

Soneoylys commented 3 weeks ago

This idea has been thought of AND is planned, we just have a lot of other features that we need to worry about for now.

As a user, though, here's what I'd recommend to sync up your game with other people (worked every single time in my experience)

  1. Start up the chart on both (or all participating devices)
  2. Immediately pause the song
  3. Restart the song at the same time

This should guarantee that the chart, given that they all have the same chart offset, should sync up just fine.

If you found this answer satisfactory, please close the issue. Thank you!

Like David said, I can confirm you online co-op mode will be implemented with our online system, but no ETA guaranteed on that. Online co-op play requires global CDN server and other equipment to provide best result, which is expensive for us now, we will figure this out with other developers later but probably this will not be our day-1 task.

For LAN mode, unfortunately this is not in our plan, but we could discuss the possibilities later and follow up this issue.