2394425147 / astrodx

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What the hell is that??? #11

Closed SashaB456 closed 1 year ago

SashaB456 commented 1 year ago

Where it comes from??? Screenshot_20221117-151552

2394425147 commented 1 year ago

i think this might be a new problem! if you could reproduce it, try clicking inside the first error and sending the copied data here, this might help me track down the issue further thanks!

SashaB456 commented 1 year ago


SashaB456 commented 1 year ago


2394425147 commented 1 year ago

try copy to clipboard

SashaB456 commented 1 year ago

i think this might be a new problem! if you could reproduce it, try clicking inside the first error and sending the copied data here, this might help me track down the issue further thanks! This glitch is happening when you run this app. And also, I wanted to show you Hachi Hachi(also mobile maimai), that had special songs, but this game closed their servers. If you want more details, then I'll give you video. Gameplay : https://youtu.be/qcOfXfMhNTE (I can't place notes between buttons and rotate the circle). What happend to this game : https://youtu.be/gVgT-ZU2mi8

SashaB456 commented 1 year ago

Texture creation failed. 'ShadowAuto' is not supported for Render usage on this platform. Use 'SystemInfo.IsFormatSupported' C# API to check format support.

0 0x7828690f54 (libunity.so) ? 0x0

1 0x7828b186a0 (libunity.so) ? 0x0

2 0x782838b90c (libunity.so) ? 0x0

3 0x782838b7fc (libunity.so) ? 0x0

4 0x7827821a44 (libil2cpp.so) ? 0x0

5 0x7827826ccc (libil2cpp.so) ? 0x0

6 0x7827716790 (libil2cpp.so) ? 0x0

7 0x782770f9f4 (libil2cpp.so) ? 0x0

8 0x78276f5498 (libil2cpp.so) ? 0x0

9 0x78276f4eb0 (libil2cpp.so) ? 0x0

10 0x78277671cc (libil2cpp.so) ? 0x0

11 0x7827729d60 (libil2cpp.so) ? 0x0

12 0x7827851f7c (libil2cpp.so) ? 0x0

13 0x78278526a0 (libil2cpp.so) ? 0x0

14 0x7827852ef4 (libil2cpp.so) ? 0x0

15 0x7826260ec0 (libil2cpp.so) ? 0x0

16 0x7826260e0c (libil2cpp.so) ? 0x0

17 0x78285a2ac0 (libunity.so) ? 0x0

18 0x78285b1d18 (libunity.so) ? 0x0

19 0x78284a92dc (libunity.so) ? 0x0

20 0x78288f0ad4 (libunity.so) ? 0x0

21 0x78288f102c (libunity.so) ? 0x0

22 0x78284d4a8c (libunity.so) ? 0x0

23 0x78284cbdb8 (libunity.so) ? 0x0

24 0x78284cbdf8 (libunity.so) ? 0x0

25 0x78284cc084 (libunity.so) ? 0x0

26 0x7828631750 (libunity.so) ? 0x0

27 0x7828648ad4 (libunity.so) ? 0x0

28 0x7829614b1c (base.odex) ? 0x0

This is what I get when I did this.

SashaB456 commented 1 year ago

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

UnityEngine.Rendering.RTHandleSystem.Alloc (System.Int32 width, System.Int32 height, System.Int32 slices, UnityEngine.Rendering.DepthBits depthBufferBits, UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat colorFormat, UnityEngine.FilterMode filterMode, UnityEngine.TextureWrapMode wrapMode, UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension dimension, System.Boolean enableRandomWrite, System.Boolean useMipMap, System.Boolean autoGenerateMips, System.Boolean isShadowMap, System.Int32 anisoLevel, System.Single mipMapBias, UnityEngine.Rendering.MSAASamples msaaSamples, System.Boolean bindTextureMS, System.Boolean useDynamicScale, UnityEngine.RenderTextureMemoryless memoryless, UnityEngine.VRTextureUsage vrUsage, System.String name) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) UnityEngine.Rendering.RTHandles.Alloc (System.Int32 width, System.Int32 height, System.Int32 slices, UnityEngine.Rendering.DepthBits depthBufferBits, UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat colorFormat, UnityEngine.FilterMode filterMode, UnityEngine.TextureWrapMode wrapMode, UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension dimension, System.Boolean enableRandomWrite, System.Boolean useMipMap, System.Boolean autoGenerateMips, System.Boolean isShadowMap, System.Int32 anisoLevel, System.Single mipMapBias, UnityEngine.Rendering.MSAASamples msaaSamples, System.Boolean bindTextureMS, System.Boolean useDynamicScale, UnityEngine.RenderTextureMemoryless memoryless, UnityEngine.VRTextureUsage vrUsage, System.String name) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RenderGraphModule.RenderGraphDefaultResources..ctor () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RenderGraphModule.RenderGraph..ctor (System.String name) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.UniversalRenderPipeline..ctor (UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.UniversalRenderPipelineAsset asset) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.UniversalRenderPipelineAsset.CreatePipeline () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineAsset.InternalCreatePipeline () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager.PrepareRenderPipeline (UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineAsset pipelineAsset) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager.DoRenderLoop_Internal (UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineAsset pipe, System.IntPtr loopPtr, UnityEngine.Object renderRequest) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager:DoRenderLoop_Internal(RenderPipelineAsset, IntPtr, Object) Second error

2394425147 commented 1 year ago

ah this might be an engine-specific problem then, it should be fixed by the next update, which might take a while. i'll try to work faster though!

SashaB456 commented 1 year ago

And what is the problem withb issue #6?

SashaB456 commented 1 year ago

Screenshot_20221117-174106 ...