2394425147 / astrodx

846 stars 38 forks source link

iOS version #5

Closed sorae42 closed 2 years ago

sorae42 commented 2 years ago

Will there be an ipa file so we don't have to wait for the TestFlight slot?

huajip commented 2 years ago

Since someone has a history of trying to publicly decrypt and release ipa, and the developer responsible for releasing testflight once refused to provide an ipa to a player with bad behavior, the developer was directly searched by human flesh, so we do not consider releasing ipa Please wait The main developer is over 18 years old

and we do not advocate the behavior of decrypting the public release of the ipa. If someone does this, the testflight qualification will be revoked

please keep a low profile, we do not want the game to be publicized in large quantities